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东方夜雀食堂 - Touhou Mystia's Izakaya update for 24 December 2021

Last update 2022.1.1 Merry Christmas! Mystia's Izakaya Major Update V1.6 & Sale

Share · View all patches · Build 7938212 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

2022.1.1 6:23 update v1.6.3c

  • Enter the game to enjoy the exclusive New Year's Event and get special recipes
  • Added supported controller logos to the launch screen
  • Deeply integrated with the Steam Cloud Sync API to avoid the Steam Cloud Backup from eating your Save Datas
  • Fixed the problem that after a certain Event in Bamboo Forest, while the mentioned "Tewi didn't come to mess up tonight", She might still come to Izakayas outside the Bamboo Forest
  • Fixed an issue where the Steam achievement count would not increase at certain moments
  • Fixed the problem that the achievement could not be unlocked normally when Punishment Spell was triggered for the first time
  • Fixed the problem that when a guest's patience exceeded 100, the first few seconds of the patience bar did not seem to decrease
  • Now the challenge mode shouldn't get stuck anymore... #

2021.12.26 21:16 update v1.6.2c#2

  • NEW Human Village Vibe Level 1 BGM & QTE
  • Fixes an issue when Tewi's trying to sell you Reisen during work. (Critical)
  • Fixes an issue that causes mission dependent objects to dissapear when loading from legacy Save Data (Critical: Affects the "Detective Mystia" mission set in the Main StoryLine, and several Side Missions in Youkai Trail and Scarlet Devil Mansion)
  • Fixes an issue that player must enable "use in night" option on a selected outfit to see its special Portrayal in the Diary
  • Fixes an issue where Mystia's Portrayal inside the Diary was displayed as Halloween styled during tutorial session

12.15.2021 Emergency Update V1.6.2b##

  • Fixes an issue when Tewi's trying to sell you Reisen during work. (Critical)
  • Fixes an issue that causes mission dependent objects to dissapear when loading from legacy Save Data (Critical: Affects the "Detective Mystia" mission set in the Main StoryLine, and several Side Missions in Youkai Trail and Scarlet Devil Mansion)
  • Fixes an issue that player must enable "use in night" option on a selected outfit to see its special Portrayal in the Diary

2021.12.25 03:12 update v1.6.2b

Long awaited! Touhou Mystia's Izakaya's Christmas update is now available! Let's first take a quick look at the Christmas outfit that people care most about!

Let's start with the discounts and Christmas events

During the period between 12.22.2021 and 1.6.2022, we are running a 20% Off Historical Lows Sales on Touhou Mystia's Izakaya
If you've had the game on your wish list for a while, now is the perfect time to get your hands on it.
Players that enter the game during this period will get Mystia's Christmas featured outfit, as well as the Christmas Styled Izakaya setup.

You will automatically receive the Christmas decoration once you read the existing Save Data during this period.
In case you miss the time, you can still get it from Kourindo by exchange using the Silver Frog Token obtained in Hakurei Shrine.

△The Lovely Proprietress!

In addition, due to the heavy amount of texts, we have implemented some English UI translations in the "Technical Beta" branch.
If you are interested in trying the English version in advance or would like to help us with proofreading or translation efforts, please proceed as the following.

  1. Open your Steam Library, right click on "Touhou Mystia's Izakaya" and select "Properties".

  2. Select "Betas" in the opened window.

  3. Enter the code "88djHd99FerLPtd3D" into the " Enter beta access code to unlock private betas:" text box, and then click "Check Code", will get a notification that the "betatest" branch is available.

  4. Next, select "betatest" in the drop-down menu above, this will change your current branch into the Technical Beta, and you will find a "[betatest]" appended to the game name in your Library list, the existence of the suffix means that you are currently in Technical Beta.

  5. Exit and Restart Steam, after which the game will automatically begin to update, you can enter and try out the Technical Beta after the update.
    Although Steam will immediately prompt you to update just after switching branches, there are cases of an incomplete update, so restarting Steam for the update is a safer practice.

Under this branch, you will be able to freely choose a language that is still under development; feel free to have a try and help us find some errors.

If you have suggestions for a better translation, please submit them to this document.

Since the amount of text is just too much, we can only make it public gradually by this way, and improve its completion.

If you are interested in joining us to help with the translation, then that would be a real help, you are welcome to send an email to
it's our honor to meet you.

Then here's the instructions for the Technical Beta branch

  1. First of all, in some Technical Beta versions, your Save Data will not be inherited by the current, and future updates from the official version.

  2. If you perform a save action in these Technical Beta versions, the Save Data will show the "Technical Beta" icon at its corner. This Save Data will not overwrite your existing Save Data but will be stored in another location, and when you switch to the official online version, the original Save Data in the corresponding location will still be available.

  3. Although it is technically possible to copy the archive from the "Technical Beta" archive folder to the "official version" archive folder, there is a high risk that this may cause problems in the official version, so it is not recommended and please use it with caution.

4, The Technical Beta is made to find potential program issue in advance, if you encounter bugs in this branch, please report to us through the following online document, we will review and fix as soon as possible.

Changed depots in betatest branch

View more data in app history for build 7938212
Windows 东方夜雀食堂 - Touhou Mystia's Izakaya - for Windows 64bit Depot 1584091
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