Patch notes:
- Pulsar Machine in Sobriquet's Store (to upgrade Pulsar)
- New scanning mechanic that can be upgraded
- Added Pulsar Runes across levels 1-20 (Used to upgrade Pulsar)
- Added Breeze Menu (Press Tab to access, must be in game)
- Added Patch Notes to menu
- Added scanner preference in customization menu
- Speed of Shrimp can be controlled by mouse Wheel
- Pickups now have icons
- Picking up car shows how much is left for a few seconds on the top left or by looking at the Breeze menu
- Buffed air control for easier control in air
- Mouse sensitivity now saves instead of resetting to default
- Reduced hover over button sound
- Improved Nerve Machine
- Improved Phauzmit Machine
- Fixed Tranquility Lamp getting stuck in Phauzmit Machine
- Fixed pickup message showing while holding lamp
- Fixed Mergetex overlap text to not be stuck on screen
- Card in Card Scanner now shows material
- Ice cubes don't get stuck in corners
- Improved platforming on Levels 1-6, 9, 14, and 19
- You can now reset to checkpoint on Level 4
- Removed extra car on level 18
- Tweaks in Dead Jester's code
Took a while for me to update this game due to personal reasons as I have been way too busy to tackle fixing issues and adding things. Finally I am able to reserve time to game dev once again so I am now back to work on updating this project and developing other things in the BG (background). Thank you for being patient!
Changed files in this update