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Deranged update for 24 December 2021

December 24 update

Share · View all patches · Build 7937432 · Last edited 24 December 2021 – 14:19:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Deranged, but now in English...

As we already know, the conflict with the language in the last month was one of the main characteristics that demotivated Deranged players who did not understand Spanish, that is why in this update we decided to add the English language within the translations, in addition to improving some systems that brought drawbacks, such as mouse sensitivity.

Impossible puzzles ?

We also chose to reduce the difficulty of the game because many of the puzzles became a tedious and impossible task for many of the users of the video game .

Graphic appearance

In this new version, we will also see a notable change in the graphics, since we opted to improve the lighting, textures and post-processing of the game in order to achieve a graphical improvement and even more terrifying.

Windows 64-bit Deranged Content Depot 1813561
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