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Cross of Auria update for 24 December 2021

5.1.0 - Yuelslain's Village

Share · View all patches · Build 7935562 · Last edited 24 December 2021 – 03:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The first part of Yuelslain's Village is now available. Truth be told, I had intended not to make it much longer than it is now, but then it dawned on me that Yuel should have a castle so rather than rush it out, I've blocked off the area. Like most of you, I will be celebrating the holidays with my family, so while bug reports may pile up, I won't be able to get to any of them until the day after Christmas at the very earliest. I've never made something that functions the way this DLC does with so many pieces that aren't included in the base game package, so I'm expecting some hiccups but have yet to find any on my own.

I think my biggest question is - "Is the challenge too difficult?". So, if you happen to make it up to the castle where the save restriction is, let me know that you were able to make it there! If you're getting absolutely demolished, let's talk about it. This is the first major area to be released which uses the 2nd generation enemy stat roll system.

Since I will be busy tomorrow and Christmas day, I will mark the DLC as able to be downloaded immediately after posting this message. Have a happy holidays, everyone!

5.1.0 [Build #112, Release Date: December 23, 2021]
Bugs to look for: Report them as a comment to the most recent patch notes.

  • Unable to make quest progress in Yuelslain's Village. Include details about which quest and what you have done right before encountering the issue.
  • Anything that doesn't work correctly - such as the Quest Log, transfers from one map to another in YS, missing enemy data, any crashes, etc.


  • Yuelslain's Village is now available! Visit the store page for more information: (Yuelslain's Village Store Page).
    -- Yuelslain's Village is still in development. A zone in the top right of the map is currently blocked pending finalization. A warning will pop up when you get to close saying that the save feature has been restricted. By simply turning around to the tile just before that one, Save will be re-enabled.
  • A new beginner's guide is available @ This guide covers basic controls, main menu details, specifics to understand character stats and parameters, a text version of the elemental resistances chart, and the basic Google Sheets graphic I used to create and reference those elemental resistances.

Updates & Changes:

  • The tier 2 poison physical attacks are now named "Toxinstrike".
  • System iconset has been updated for Warp, Barrier, Wind-Weak, and other statuses.
  • Air Current now resets its turns on re-application instead of adding turns and has a fixed duration of 5.

Known Issues:

  • When using a guide book item, it appears that you can use it on multiple characters. However, the effect only functions for as many books as you have. Using a guide book you only have one of on all 6 characters will only grant the skill to the first character it was used on. As far as I can tell, this display hiccup is not something that can be fixed when using learn skill consumable items. The single-use nature of guide books functions as intended.


  • Warp, Warpstrike I-V, & Warpspark all apply the Warp states at the same rate per hit - Warp I: 66%, Warp II: 50%, Warp III: 33%, Warp IV: 10%, Warp V: 3%. This information is not included in the tooltip. Instead, it reads "May cause massive barrier degeneration over time."
  • Each of the Warp states may be applied simultaneously.
  • Multiple Wind-Weak I-III applications will increase the remaining duration. Applying a higher tier of Wind-Weak will give the target immunity to the lower tiers and set the duration relative to if the debuff had just been applied.
Cross of Auria Content Depot 764181
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Windows DLC 1840980 Cross of Auria - Yuelslain's Village (1840980) Depot Depot 1840980
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