One of a kind gamers! For months now we’ve felt like movement in general in this game could be cleaner but it was kind of just in the “good enough for now” zone. Well, we’re thrilled to announce that we finally prioritized it and getting around stages is tighter than ever! No more weak jumps up slants, no more flat kick-offs, no more seemingly random hesitations… There’s not a lot left that we feel is in need of improvement! The Solo game mode stage is probably the best one we’ve ever built but the medium and large stages could definitely use a bit more love. We also added a bit more screen pizzazz to hopefully spice things up a bit more for you and also let you know when you lose and gain energy! Wishing you the best holiday season you could ask for!!
- Pizzazz of the cam, screen and shot variety
- Movement general cleanup
- Kickoffs from walls more consistent so they’re not flat sometimes
- Customize: White and Black color options unlocked at Level 5 of each item, Wire colors simplified, Outfits introduced
- New poses for vaulting, swinging and landing
- Controller vibration
- Integrated tutorial
- Zombots
- World: Forrest
Community and dev access
Changed files in this update