Temporarily disabled a log
Increased interval for low fps / high ping messages in logs to 60 seconds
#4826 - Need mouse tooltip when hovering over the silver icon in upper left
Fixed Sea Trees flickering in map editor
Reword land powerups names & descriptions
prototye instance visit revision, allowing users to visit instance even if owner is offline
typo fixed error
null reference fix
updated server to allow visitor to generate private instance of visited user if non exists
[4966] Fixed background music for PvP arenas
Fixed map editor saving issue
Moved eraser size to the toolbar
#2722 - Special character animations /
#4810 - No healthbars and names are visible above ships /
#4887 - Character screen off center /
#4965 - not full hp when leaving town, after finishing a voyage /
#4981 - the text "go home" is displayed incorrectly on lower gui scales in the options menu /
#5049 - VoyageRatingIndicator needs to be updated for client only /
Fixing issue with the Voyage Rating Indicator not showing anything /
visit system improvements for offline visits
master server adjustments so that user receives broadcast to visit
updated visit warp conditions
[5031] Fixed FMOD Studio Listener position
SoundEffectManager improvements
Removed FMOD Studio Listener component from Player Ship and Character prefabs
Added Tentacle Boss Hurt Fx, critical cannon fx and a few audio tweaks.
custom map warping major refactor for private instance visiting
#5035 - silver animation from dead enemy will overlap other enimies
added fix for spam attack via button click
Corrected some previously incorrect implementation with the crit sound effects, added Stefons crit audio to the enemy ship impact event.
fixed issue wherein clicking on ability button doesnt auto select next battler / fixed issue wherein spamming ability button cast causes duplicate attack stacking
integrated majority of the poison ability art assets
removed duplicated voyage member arrow
WIP: plantable trees
Nubis Refactorings
fixed bug causing pvp ships to spawn inside shipyard
added poison trail / shipyard panel now shows custom ship name for variants
fixed incorrect animation interaction while holding watering can and spawning water effects
Nubis Refactorings (2)
Replaced dark water tile asset
Added automatic map names for open world maps
Changed files in this update