-New/Change: New characters get 1 free Doctor Pak.
-New/Change: Some NPCs will now try to face toward player if you Talk or Chat.
-New/Change: Interaction menu now requires Stamina.
-Change: Run-mode no longer drains Stamina while you are in TBC.
-Fix: Melee/Weapon attacks wrongfully spawning spells/vfx.
-New/Change: The skillbar/tbc bar has differently textured background based on
skillgroup active.
-New/Change: You now gain experience for completing a merchant escort mission.
-New/Change: You now gain achievement points for completing a merchant escort mission.
-Fix: Doctor Pak was showing up a free in some cases.
-Fix: An item mispelling.
-Change: Boosted default Agility for all entities.
-New/Change: Your external weapon damage is boosted by strength.
-Fix: Possible null terminator or other illegal character insertion into combat log.
-New: Ammo can be found in inventories/shopkeepers.
-New: The facing target help/clue text will tell you if target is dead/knocked-down.
-Change: Can no longer abandon a sphere-hunter quest if you did all the stages.
-Toxic Air/Ground now drains your health while you stand within it.
Redaxium update for 23 December 2021
Patch 0.96
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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