- Splitters now have an Output Ratio that can be assigned for each direction. When cycling through output directions they will attempt to output the specified number before moving on to the next output direction.
- Splitters have a “Overflow” attribute that you can set to Hold or Bypass. “Hold” will strictly enforce the output ratio, disallowing items from exiting other directions if the specified direction is blocked. “Bypass” will allow items to continue through if the first attempt fails
- Can assign names to all buildings, worker units, and railway cars
Bug Fixes
- Context Commands window was not visible
- Inventory Sensors would ignore signal tag filters when processing inventory changes for units stopped at a target block
- Fixed bug: Many logistic blocks that had “On Entered” function triggers that would not activate (e.g. Grabber, Splitter, Filter)
- Fixed bug: Unexpected behavior could occur after removing pipe items within an Agent Trigger
Changed files in this update