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Krita update for 23 December 2021

The Story Continues, Krita 5.0 is Here!

Share · View all patches · Build 7931799 · Last edited 23 December 2021 – 09:32:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Steam community, I'm thrilled to let you know that today is the day!

What day, you ask? The day that Krita 5.0, the biggest Krita update in years, is finally here!

It has been a long road and a lot of work to get there, but we hope that you'll find that Krita 5 is more powerful, flexible, and solid than before. We've got a whole new resource system, improved animation tools, better gradients, a brand new storyboarding workflow, a new brush engine, a docker for recording time-lapse videos, and a whole slew of other features and improvements.

Please go check out our Krita 5.0 release notes page for all of the details on what's new, along with images and videos that highlight just about everything that the new Krita has to offer.

I'll keep this post short, because there's a lot of more fun stuff to read over on the release notes page, but I want to send an extra special thank you to all of our supporters here on Steam. The vast majority of you know that Krita is an open source and community-driven tool for artists everywhere, and that we rely on the financial support of the art community to fund development. A big chunk of that funding comes from the users like you who generously support us right here on Steam, and without you it simply wouldn't have been possible to put as much into this release as we have. So, thank you!

Now go check out those release notes!

Windows 64-bit Krita Windows Depot 280682
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Linux 64-bit Krita Linux (AppImage) Depot 280683
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