Hello everybody,
Since the beta of the 2.0, the game was exclusively in English. With this update, it is opened to every language (with european letters and without any special characters, the font used for the game won't accept any).
- French language added
- added the possibility to add any language
- bug fixed : the arrows are not disappearing inversaly to the minimum / maximum option in the option menu if you click on it with the mouse
If you speak more than one language, you are free (and it would in fact be very appreciated) to add more languages. It should take you around 10 minutes.
To do this, all you have to do is to look into the game fileholder:
Open the file languages.ini then under [languages_names] add a line with a number greater than the other languages with the name of the new language in English (with the first letter as a capital letter).
For example :
Then, copy-paste the "menus" file of your choice to use it as a base and change its name depending of the new language.
Example :
- copy-paste -> "menus_English.txt"
- Change its name in "menus_Spanish.txt"
Open the renamed file and translate any text on the right side of the "=" (between " ") and don't touch anything between the [ ].
If you change something on the left side of the "=" this part will automatically come back into English language ingame.
To send me that new language you're proud of, you can send that new "menus" file through discord. At the same time, why don't you join our community ?
discord link
I hope you enjoy these news, I'm gonna wish you a merry Christmas,
Have suprafun !
Changed depots in devtest branch