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Armoured Commander II update for 23 December 2021

Update 1.1.2

Share · View all patches · Build 7931702 · Last edited 23 December 2021 – 12:59:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

A minor update with some additions and a good number of changes and fixes. On important change is that a few commands have been changed into actions. To Unbog or Overrun, your Driver should now be on the Drive command; to Unjam a weapon, your crewman should now be on the Operate Weapon command. In the rare case that one of your crewmen is on Unbog, Overrun, or Unjam Weapon orders when you update, their order will automatically be reset to Spot.

1.1.2 Changelog

ADD: Semovente da 75/34, Semovente da 90/53, Semovente 105/25
ADD: 'Very Unreliable' stat for weapons
ADD: Bonus to chance of Fire Small Arms action when player is on Overrun

CNG: Unbog and Overrun are now actions within the Drive command
CNG: Unjam Weapon now an action in the Operate Weapon command
CNG: Fire Small Arms action now takes place at the start of the Shooting Phase
CNG: Commands that require the crewman to be CE will no longer be available in positions that are always BU
CNG: More commands that require the crewman to be CE will include a warning in the Command Phase if the crewman is currently BU
CNG: Slight change to colours of to-hit/effect resolution bar graph
CNG: Slight change to layout of to-hit console
CNG: LoS depictions no longer drawn during AI attacks

FIX: Better handling of warning when crewman is unable to operate an AAMG or attempt an unjam because they are BU
FIX: Bug where immobilized armoured targets could be destroyed by HE as if they were unarmoured
FIX: Bridge generation procedure could add bridges over rivers in strange places
FIX: Shortened display of Half-Tracked movement class in unit display to avoid overlaps
FIX: SU-57 main gun changed to 57L
FIX: Display overlap with display of empty crew positions in bail-out screen

Windows 64-bit Armoured Commander II Content Depot 1292021
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