Hello Wardens, it's getting colder as the year draws to an end, have you remembered to keep Karryn dressed up and sleeping in the finest silk?ːtonkinː Below are the patch notes for v.1.0.1i !
- Experimental code to slightly improve performance on lower end PCs.
- Added code to prevent Karryn from being stuck inside a NPC after subduing Level 4 when it was Rioting.
- Lowered the requirements for the 'Kinky Masochist' and 'Kinky Sadist' Titles to match the number required to get the Masochism and Sadism Steam Achievements.
- The special ending related battle dialogue will no longer auto continue even if the 'Karryn Dialogue Pause' Setting is turned off.
- Buffed the 'Ambitious Experimenter' Title from Subsidies -12% to Subsidies -8%.
- Fixed a bug that made getting the 'Clumsy Wench' Title harder than it was supposed to be.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Fixed a bug with the Waitress side job after a new game plus with a super high Slut Level Karryn.
- Fixed a minor bug with scandalous mode during the H. Ending.
- Added a Audio Setting called 'Auto Continue After Voice'. This is turned on by default, and when it is on and the 'Karryn Dialogue Pause' is also turned on, the game will automatically continue after Karryn's voice ends.
- Corrected minor typos.
Changed files in this update