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IRON GUARD VR update for 22 December 2021

Patch 4 and the addition of new languages!

Share · View all patches · Build 7929243 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! After a brief lull, we are finally pleased to announce the largest (and final) patch #4!

Main update: added new translations for the texts: German, Spanish and Chinese simplified. Hopefully this will help more players immerse themselves in the story and the atmosphere of the game!

The list of all various edits and changes are simply too long, so we have listed some basic categories for the fixes:

  • Graphic bugs fixed

  • Sound bugs fixed

  • Optimized some shaders

  • Improved some interface elements, increased fonts and dialog boxes

  • Added additional player rotation options

  • The game will now automatically pause if you remove the VR headset

  • Many (more than a hundred) other minor fixes

We tried to accommodate many of your suggestions and wishes in this patch and we do not plan to release new ones anytime soon, however, if you find any issues, please let us know about them on our Discord server, if necessary, we will definitely release a hotfix. Special thanks to everyone who left suggestions and actively helped us with feedback and testing! Your help was invaluable!

We hope that we will be able to achieve much success and the much needed popularity of our game on Steam soon, so that the sets of cards, icons and backgrounds for the profile become available, as they are already ready and awaiting being unlocked.

We would for sure love to continue working on the game, add new levels, add multiplayer support and so on, but for that it's necessary that a lot more people know about our game, especially on Youtube and Twitch. Therefore, we look forward to any help and support from our community and players, streamers and content creators to help support us.

Lastly, we just released IRON GUARD VR on Oculus AppLab and hope that we will soon be able to get into the Oculus Quest store, wish us luck! Thank you.

Windows IRON GUARD VR Content Depot 1213221
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