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Mist Legacy update for 22 December 2021

Improvement to the group system!

Share · View all patches · Build 7929005 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Today we are releasing our last content update of 2021.

On the content side, you'll be able to progress with the Circle of the Great tree and with the Arcanists to get new spells for damage and heal. We also got a lot of cool changes in the game engine related to gathering, fighting and getting landform skill. Check out the changelog for more details.

The biggest change today has to do with the game shop. We got lots of comments about how you can form a party in the game and how it is perceived by new players. To improve the game experiences, the first thing we did is to create a dedicated slot for the carts. It means that a new player can now have two companions and a cart. This will improve a lot the experience of everyone and make the game much easier for players who want to play solo.

The second major change we did on the market is to lower the price of the second companion’s slot, making it more accessible for everyone will improve the balance of the game. Everyone that already purchased it will be reimbursed 400 Blue Crowns.

To make sure our system is understood, we changed the presentation of the game shop. Now you will find a dedicated page for the unlocks and Scissana will give you hints about each purchasable item. We hope this page will make our monetization system much more understandable and remove the "surprise effect" that our old system generated.

The team will take a short break for next week. It will be a good time for us to take a step back and think about all that we will have to do in 2022.

Thanks a lot to all our players, we could not do it without you!

December 22 - Version:

Features and Changes
  • The cart no longer uses a free companion slot. So you are always able to bring one with you.
  • New group user interface.
  • The fifth group companion slot price has been reduced to 1200 BC. Players who bought it at full price will receive 400 BC back.
  • Shop UI redesign to show unlockable slots all at once.
  • Combat now grants terrain skill experience if victorious.
  • You can now "Recraft" an item in your coffer if you have the recipe.
  • There is now a small chance to trigger a +1, +2 or +3 bonus on resource gathering.
  • Weapon use skills are now available in the skills filter menu.
  • Market item usability now displays the correct skill value.
  • Fixed items durability not being updated upon fleeing a combat.
  • Fixed some rare issue where a withdraw could cause a disconnect.
  • Fixed an issue where the game client computed Next Daily and Next Weekly wrong.
  • Cure ability should now only cure alteration with poison damage.
  • Fixed coffers and market where items could be in the wrong category.
  • Fixed an issue where the maximum crafting quantity of a stackable item could be wrong and caused a disconnect upon crafting.
  • When abandoning or failing an escort scenario, if the event gave a location, the location is now correctly removed.
  • Fixed some spell animation delay and end of combat delay.
  • Fixed shortcut target number key in combat could stop working on summoned enemies.
Content Changes
  • Unlocked next Arcanists tier.
  • Unlocked next Circle of the Great Tree tier.
  • Superior weapons enchantments review.
  • Added a 39 difficulty cavern.
  • Mage staff recipes review.
  • Student/Mage armor skill and recipes review.
  • Badges level and difficulty fixes.
  • Lowered Vilocopiparadatanolor price list.
  • Increase Boomerang hit chances.
  • Slash now deal 100% of weapon damage.
  • Increase bleeding damage done by Vicious Hit.
  • Increase Burnt damage by Burn Spell.
  • New dynamic dailies that require to kill x creatures.

Windows Mist Legacy Dev Depot 1259441
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