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MAJOR Play With Gilbert - A Small Tail update for 23 December 2021

Merry Christmas

Share · View all patches · Build 7928704 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:13:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Merry Christmas Everyone

First of all I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! It's been a little over half a year since the remake was released and it seems pretty much everyone has enjoyed it. Which I am very glad with. It's still not a perfect game (no game ever is) but I've done my best to smoothen things out and improve it here and there.

NOTE: This news post was originally posted on the Play With Gilbert - Remake community but I decided to release Rainbow Island for A Small Tail as well. It's my way of saying thanks to all the Gilbert community. Love you guys and thanks for the support!


  • CatCam activation tweaked - You now have to hold down the CatCam activation button for about a second before it activates. This is to avoid activating it by accident.
  • CatCam thruster speed increased - The thruster speed for the CatCam has been increased in order to travel large distances in less time.
  • Gliders saved per level - Gliders are now saved if you found one in a level. I am working on ways to disable them. On Rainbow Island you can disable it by talking to a Cheep Cheep, will most likely move it over to other levels.

Welcome To Rainbow Beach

Rainbow Beach is very much an odd choice to release during this time of year but I've been working on it for quite some time now, bit by bit and I really wanted to give something to you guys for Christmas. Rainbow Beach is a new take on the old beach level from the original game.

Rainbow Beach introduces new vehicles (Boats, Catski's and a Submarine) as well as new gameplay mechanics. You'll be able to search for treasure chests which may contain catbells or fishies. Some chests are buried and you'll have to find for a big colorful X and dg them up.

And you'll now be able to combine your glider with a big rocket. This combination enables Gilbert & friends to fly through the air. It's quite a lot of fun and I have put rockets in Down Town as well.

Rainbow Beach also adds in the Cheep Cheeps. These cute little birds can be found running around. Some can talk to you and help you out or give information. Cheep Cheeps will get a more prominent role in the future (working on a DLC with them front and center).

I also added two new hats and one new sunglass. I still have a few more ideas for this level but I ran out of time and had to make sure what I had was up to snuff for release.

Play With Gilbert - Remake

If you enjoyed A Small Tail then check out the full game. It has more levels and there's new content on the way for 2022! Your support also enables me to keep working on the Gilbert games!

That Other Game I Made

For those who might be interested, I've created another game called STARDROP. This was a huge endeavor and pretty much a passion project. If you're interested in story-driven Sci-Fi games with no pew pew I highly suggest to check it out. It's currently on sale too!

Whiskered Away

I've talked about this game before but wanted to highlight it again! I improved on some aspects of the player's movement and some other small improvements which you can check out in the public beta.


Support Me On Patreon

If you want to further support development of Play With Gilbert or any other of my new and upcoming games you can check out my Patreon page.

IMPORTANT: I want to make it very clear that I am not selling my games on Pateron directly. Patreon has been set up for the sole purpose of supporting me as a developer. If you want to support me and are in the position to do so, feel free to take a look and see what's what.


That's It For Now

I hope you guys will like the new update. Lot of work and effort gone into this one and I had fund making it. It's nice to run around Rainbow Island and chill out. I'll make sure that next year I'll have a more appropriately themed update planned for the game.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Windows 64-bit Gilbert's World Content Depot 1359631
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