Hello Kaingans!
Happy Holidays, gifts are on the way!
I've been really happy with the response to Kainga, people have really seen the potential in this game which has been amazing to see. In celebration, I've put Kainga on sale at 15% off!
I've been working really hard to fix and further improve the game as much as I can (see the full patch notes below) and I will continue to do so throughout this Early Access development!
I've also been working on the next major update working on things like improving the AI of other towns, adding trade technologies, creating the new map: The Edges, and working on a new Thinker. Here's a sneak peek:
This is Ajowan, an incorporeal Thinker that actually cannot be destroyed! When damaged, he returns to his Jar, known as the Alabastron. If the jar breaks, however, the game will be lost, so protect it carefully!
This Thinker is not yet playable in the game, but will be upon the next update, but you can check him out in the Skyloft.
Without further ado, I'll share with you the changes and fixes below:
Patch Notes, version 0.3.27
New Technologies:
- Rifle Casern
- Fishmonger
- Runed Axes
- Sturdy Shovels
- Hearth Spikes
- Mighty Pie
- Sampan and Dragon boats
- Walker War Rig
Minor Changes:
- Arrows and Rifles now do half damage to Thinkers
- Thinkers now heal from festivals
- Achiote no longer damages your own buildings
- Braves will carry starting resources if campfire is placed far from starting location
- Added a rudimentary “hold” command (T)
- Rifles can now shoot through resources
- Bracer is now improved so ranged units don’t even hit allied units. Fire at will!
- Added a new Thinker to the Skyloft: Ajowan (not yet playable)
- Rifleman now has all shooting animations
- Beastmasters now have attacking animations
- Added Garam and Achiote death animations
- Added more team colors to Beastmaster and Rifleman designs
- Added Thinker specific end-screen images, no more purple Sumac!
- Rain Collectors now fertilizes soil when filled
- Clay Pit can only be built once now
- Simplified house weather protections to None, Half and Full
- Changed how towns build and grow
- Bamboo grows further from its base and also changes soil type
- Umbrella “Hardwood” trees are now counted as 3 logs and will mark themselves for harvest when regrowing
- Added an Icebreaker event
- You can now shoot Walkers :(
- Challenge Festivals cannot be destroyed after being started
- Remembered techs pop-up one at a time
- Gave the player a bit more leniency when discovering techs before getting attacked
- Discovered techs now queue so you won’t lose potential techs when taming
- Unlocks in the Skyloft now show 1 at a time as well
- Added a symbol which indicates that a tech can be built only once
- Increased the amount of time it takes for resources to degrade
- Enemy towns can now tame wildlife
- Enemy towns now expand by claiming new lands (WIP)
- Enemy towns choose house types based on the resources around them
- Enemy towns will now build more ladders around their town
- Resources can be picked up from the top of any stack
- You can now walk from the edge of the deserts
- Achiote should no longer attack his rescuers
- Achiote will no longer be mini when coming from a cage
- Units no longer change skin color when getting trained
- Ranged units will no longer fidget and actually shoot while in close combat
- Ranged units can no longer shoot while moving
- Feasting Pot now creates warriors as intended
- Incense Memorial now requires people have died as intended
- Escape Sandsail will not appear on the Pebbles map but can now also ride on water
- Storage doors no longer spawn in the walls of some storage buildings
- Fixed a bug where production buildings would ignite multiple times
- Sturdy Construction now works on most buildings
- Beast structures can be re-built after being destroyed
- Resource totems can be built by multiple people now
- Resource totems can now be torn down
- Fixed the ladders on Tower Houses and Lamba Houses
- Fixed the UI and wait time on Barracks repairs
- Fixed a bug where hermits wouldn’t automatically construct and be managed
- Fixed a bug where the Foraging Hermit required an unknown resource
- The audio of destroying a building will now not play forever
- Your main Thinker will now jump out of the Escape Balloon as intended
- Skylines and Sandsail are no longer available in the Pebbles
- Fixed a bug where hotbar and actual construction materials would be slightly different
- Icebreaker now rises and lowers with the tides
- Fixed boat movement confusion during flooding
- Boats can be built while flooded without being instantly submerged
- Edges of the water no longer float during floods
- Water will now appear underground throughout the flatlands
- Boats should no longer be able to move when on land
- Clicking notifications while placing will no longer break the game
- Starting to-do list shows correct amount of desired houses
- Crustaceans will no longer bury your campfire underground
- Walkers should no longer be always leaning forward sometimes
- Towns should no longer build on access ramps
- Notification should still be clickable even after the notifying actor has been killed
- Fixed a crash after spearmen killed a charging Flathead
- Expired demands now properly initiate raids
- Soil should change to sand on the shores of the Pebbles
- Fixed the UI text overflow for the reward titles on the map
- Hopefully fixed an issue where the main Thinker didn’t spawn in the Skyloft
- Fixed collision on the tall cacti
- Trudgers can no longer walk on the water splash of cacti
- Raids and demands won’t use boats when they don’t need to
- Fixed a bug where braves would go get the wrong resource after their resource was taken
That's it for now!
Keep your eyes open in January for more info on the next update, I look forward to sharing the trade mechanics with you then.
Happy holidays!
Changed files in this update