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Tin Can update for 22 December 2021

Tin Can VR - Early Access OUT NOW! ✨

Share · View all patches · Build 7928043 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi fellow tinnies,

We're very excited to release our new Early Access VR mode for Tin Can: A Major free update coming today, December 22 2021, a next big chapter in the development of our game.

Tin Can Early Access VR is the culmination of countless hours of work from our small team, to develop the most detailed new escape pod and also propose new features to the game.
The latter features a larger space for players to freely move in, revamped storage access, new interactions, visual improvements (textures, materials, lighting) & effects, and much more.

Today, we are thrilled to announce our next major component of Tin Can: Virtual Reality.

As creators of Tin Can, we wanted to build a space game that had a micro approach to the Simulation genre. There are not many games in this niche, so this was an opportunity to offer a unique experience to players.

Our team has always loved sectional views of spaceships, both real and imaginary, as we dreamt about how each individual component had a role to play in the whole.
Most games have a more macro view, where you're not concerned with the little details but rather with the big picture. In these games : ships are big and systems exist solely for themselves, indivisible.

Here with Tin Can, the goal would be to make something really different; To make a game where the scale and focus would be smaller, so that every components have their own purpose and can be toyed & tinkered with!

Tin Can Virtual Reality will propose everything the non-VR game has to offer in its current Early Access state, but brought to life in Virtual Reality: an immersive and enriched VR experience.

Tin Can Virtual Reality is free to all current players!

Thank you so much for being with us and supporting the development of Tin Can.
Until next year, see you in Medusa Class Space Raft Mk III, and happy holidays everyone! ❄️
We will have a -34% discount later today on Tin Can!

Here is just a brief summary of what you can find in Tin Can VR:

  • 1:1 hand interactions with all objects, components, drawers and doors inside the pod
  • Dynamic 0g through handles grabbing and by using hands to push yourself against surfaces
  • Completely new pod (Soon in non-VR as well!)
  • New visual feedbacks (Ex: Atomic Pile producing heat distortion depending on temperature and pump vibrating depending on its state.)
  • New easter eggs and props
  • New specific VR gameplay for multiple systems and components (Shake air filters to clean them, open bottles with your hand, different electrocution effect...)
  • Improved materials and lighting
  • New physical effects during Black hole events

As always, your feedback & input are most welcome!
Please let us know what you think of Tin Can on Discord.

Windows 64-bit Tin Can Content Depot 1315981
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