Hi everyone, I'm happy to announce a brand new update for Daughter of Essence, featuring a long list of changes, improvements and new features.
I'm grateful for all your support this year, and I hope you enjoy.
Nym, Lead Developer
Version 1.2 - 12-22-2021
- Added new armored Mercy portraits and sprites (normal, fishing, riding and battle sprites)!
- Added Steam Achievements!
- Added new gauges and an improved HUD to the final siege for better transparency
- Updated a number of different scenes with new dialogue
- Performance Improvements and updated engine
- Added new voice lines to some of the endings
- Added a plugin to halt the in-built fast-forward function of RPG Maker during certain cut-scenes (I believe fast-forward was causing image-related crashes on some lower-spec machines. Hopefully we will see much less of these now)
- Marlan’s Guard-Breaker now correctly removes Stone Spines, making the ejderha fight nicer
- Fixed an issue where Feodor’s unconscious form would vanish after leaving the Aster manor
- Fixed some passability issues
- Fixed an issue where Beatrix scenes could play while in the guest room next door
- Delilah’s room will now be open immediately after she’s recruited
- Fixed an issue where Naomi could either miss with Lotus Shot, or else use it on the wrong target
- Fixed an issue where a line of dialogue could be repeated twice by two separate enemies
- Van Ritter and company are gone from Witchdale after confronting them
- Fixed an issue where cocoa beans weren’t previously healing
- Fixed an issue where the chocolate bar wasn’t properly learned from the recipe book
- Slightly rebalanced final siege values
- Fixed an issue where the Dietrich & Moon scene could be triggered after one of them fell in the siege
- Fixed an issue where the first Vincent & Gertrude scene could be triggered after ch. 8
- Fixed some portrait-related crashes
- Implemented ShadyCorner integration
- Fixed an issue where “Wound Essence” was lost after a respec
Changed files in this update