Hello Players!
We've been a little quiet since our last patch but only because we've been hard at work behind the scenes working to make changes and improvements to the game. A huge thank you to everyone that has reported bugs to us so we can fix them and/or given feedback.
We're really proud of this latest update. It might not seem like a lot right now, but it's laid the groundwork for us to add a whole bunch of new content in future updates. Expect more over the next few months.
We'd also love for you to review Lightsmith! Reviews help us to be more visible in the Steam store and help new players get an idea of what to expect, so if you have enjoyed our little game and have a few minutes spare we'd be grateful if you could leave us a nice review.
Thank you again to everyone that has the game so far. We hope you enjoy the latest update.
Patch Notes
New Features
- Music updates - More moody music to help you know where you are
- New areas - Don't get lost trying to find them!
- Full new quest system and quest log - We have soooooooo much planned for future updates
- New quests - Talk to people and explore the map to get new quests!
Bug fixes
- 24 hour achivement fixed
- Walking animations for Brian fixed
- Path blocker to graveyard fix
- 0.2 Save will not be compatible with 0.3 of game - As we are in early access this may happen from time to time as we build complete new systems. We will try to migrate future saves where we can.
Feedback and Bug Reports
The best place to give us feedback and report bugs is on our Discord. We're active and involved in our community there so if you have Discord please consider joining! Bugs are more likely to be fixed when they are reported on the Discord.
Changed files in this update