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INDUSTRIA update for 3 January 2022

INDUSTRIA Update 1.0.7 is available: Performance, UE version, fixes and more!

Share · View all patches · Build 7927344 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear Industrians!

Since the announcement of the new update for INDUSTRIA almost another whole month has passed. We know some of you are disappointed for it taking so long. We would have loved to patch earlier but the game crash bug most of you experience forced us to upgrade the whole project to the new engine version UE 4.27.

This can bring in its own new bugs and problems, so we tried to be careful with that. This patch is mainly about fixing the crash, but also features a few other cool things.

Here are the patch notes for 1.0.7:

  • Upgraded to Unreal Engine 4.27 for improved stability (fixing the train crash)
  • Performance optimisations to streets (level 3) and canal (level 4)
  • Added additional resolution options (3440x1440, 5120x2160, 5120 x 1440, 7680 x 4320 and more)
  • Hardcore chapter selection fixed
  • Fixed brightness and contrast reset bug

2021 was an exciting and very emotional year for all of us. INDUSTRIA is our first game and we will never forget our hearts beating us nearly to death on release night. We know that INDUSTRIA is not perfect, and we want to be honest: it will never be. But we heard so much feedback on how it struck a nerve for many of you. It surealy was the greatest and best learning for us ever and could not be a more ideal skill test for our next game.

All of you, happy new year! Stay healthy and safe. Thank you for your support!

The beautiful shot of the library is by @pino44io, here is his/her twitter account:

Cheers and all the best!
David, Steve & The Bleakmill Team

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