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The 8 Sins: New Hell Order update for 22 December 2021

V 1.0.6

Share · View all patches · Build 7927036 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Sorry for being late, making a tutorial was a time-consuming thing, but the new version 1.0.6 was launched and the tutorial is finally available.


In terms of gameplay, a new button has been added that causes the party to continue the march, the other buttons are reordered to avoid accidentally clicking the end of the turn.

= V 1.0.6 =


  • Pitcher: its attack was set from any to the area;


  • Treatment costs with Guzzler, Devourer, Butcher, Chopper are free;
  • The cost of reviving Butcher is 60 instead of 160;
  • The cost of reviving Devourer changed from 80 to 40;
  • The cost of reviving Chopper changed from 100 to 80;
  • The operation of the Nasty Meatball upgrade has been improved, instead of Hunger for Little Hunger, we have Meatball for Nasty Meatball;
  • Saber Tooth upgrade operation improved, instead of upgrading Multijavs to Saber Tooth, upgrading IrontTooth to Saber Tooth;

Campaign - Wrath:

  • added the ability to unlock Madman on the 7th level of the capital city;

Campaign - Gluttony:

  • Little Hunger is unlockable for 4th instead of 6th level of the capital city;
  • IrontTooth is unlockable by 6th instead of 7th level of the capital city;
  • The biscuit unlocks 6th instead of 7th level of the capital city;
  • Sabertooth and Nasty Meatball can be unlocked on the 7th level of the capital;

Campaign - General:

  • added the ability to unlock the garrison level 3 at the 7th level of the capital city;

Campaign - Maps:

  • Slaughterhouse: neutral parties have been corrected;
  • Geothermal: neutral parties have been corrected;
  • Maze: cities were named;


  • the overlay graphic for the portrait of the creature during the end of the battle, showing the experience gained, has been changed;
  • the talisman of life - it already has an outline on the world map;

Map editor:

  • saving the map adds the .cfg ending to the file name when the player did not do it himself;
  • does not allow saving the file when there is no file name;
  • Fixed a bug where after opening the chest window, it immediately proceeded to add a new item window to the chest;
  • The cancel button when adding an item to a chest does not turn the chest window into an army window;
  • The mapping of fields on the map for the generator has been improved, so you can move one field in any direction;
  • repainting on the side panel when moving main towns has been fixed;
  • fixed a bug where moving cities and capitals changed affiliation;


  • physical attack spells on the 2nd and 3rd level deal 30 and 45 points of damage, respectively, instead of 20;
  • player can use attack spells to destroy a party on the map when the target party have an item, they leave a chest;

Creature upgrade window:

  • refreshed;
  • description added;

Neutral parties:

  • they regenerate at a rate of 15% or 30% when they are in a hideout;
  • when they have a health-enhancing artefact, they are in full health instead of appearing wounded;


  • slightly muted sound effect for the sword and the cannon fire;


  • Fixed an issue where the AI player tried to use a stance despite being knocked out, which could cause a hang or force the player to take a turn for him;


  • after loading the game and obtaining the creature's statistics, the armour value will not be -1;
  • after upgrading the creature skills are added after removing the previous ones;
  • Chest: Displays a description of an object without revealing what it contains;
  • Healing window: mass actions work properly with a subject who has more stamina points than it should (e.g. the item that increases stamina has been removed from him just now);
  • Teams window: fixed selection of giants in the second team has been repainted;
  • Recruitment window: description added;
  • Terrain objects - descriptions have been added / corrected;
  • Adding tutorial;
Windows The 8 Sins: New Hell Order Content Depot 1753731
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