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Conquest update for 22 December 2021

Conquest v1.2 is live!

Share · View all patches · Build 7926897 · Last edited 22 December 2021 – 12:46:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Conquest v1.2 is now live!

v1.2 aimed to introduce quest givers, overhaul the resource gathering system, and implement randomly generating villages.

Note on backward compatibility:
The goal is to make old saves loadable throughout all of early access. With that said, it is recommended to start a new save due to the dramatic changes this update brings.

New Features:

Overhauled resource gathering system:

-There are now four different types of resources; gold, wood, iron, and food.
-Resources are held in resource stockpiles (a new constructible building). Workers drop off the resources they've harvested to the stockpile nearest to them.
-A list of your stockpiles is shown in command mode to the left of the map. You can click on a stockpile from this list to snap the camera to the location of this stockpile. Stockpiles can also be renamed by selecting the stockpile and pressing the "Rename Stockpile" ability.
-Farms now generate farmers and livestock. Farmers plant and harvest crops around the farm, and return their haul of food to the nearest stockpile. Livestock periodically add food to the nearest stockpile automatically.
-Woodcutters Hut's generate lumberjacks. Lumberjacks find nearby trees, harvest lumber, then return their lumber haul to the nearest stockpile.
-Iron ore deposits are now spread throughout the world. They're basically spots where iron ores spawn. You want to build a mine near here to collect iron.
-Mine's generate miners. Miners find the nearest ore deposit, mine this ore, then return their haul to the nearest stockpile. It's best to build mines next to ore deposits.
-Merchant buildings sell resources and allow you to sell weapons. Periodically the merchant will convert 25 of the highest resource in your nearest stockpile to gold. Also, if you approach the merchant with a weapon in your hand you will be prompted to sell the weapon.
-Blacksmith buildings now generate a blacksmith unit. The blacksmith works away at his station, periodically converting iron to armor and weapons. Place your units next to the blacksmith when it has armor and weapons stocked to upgrade your troops.
-Units now cost resources when generated, and most units consume food while they are alive.


v1.2 is an introduction to quests.
-There are quests that can only be completed once, that permanently alter the world, and there are quest templates that quest-givers offer that allow you to farm gold and experience. Currently, there are 3 "one and done" quests, and 2 quest templates in the world. More quests will be added, and improved upon, with every update.
-You will now see a compass under your world quick slots. Quest objectives and the location of stockpiles show on your compass.
-A quest log has been added in command mode. The quest log displays the story behind each quest and shows you the quest's current progress.

Random Gen Villages

Villages will now randomly spawn throughout the world. A village starts off as a town hall building. The town hall generates barracks, blacksmiths, and siege factories around it. The number of buildings spawned is scaled with the player's level.

Bug fixes:

-Fixed a bug that would occasionally make large chunks of the world disappear.
-Fixed bug that broke bows when placing them in your inventory immediately after shooting them.
-Fixed bug that let polearms hit through shields
-Fixed bug that applied unit upgrades multiple times when loading

Other Changes:

-You now only get one skill point per level. To balance this, you now level up quite a bit faster.
-You can now set the grip offsets for the left and right hand individually.
-All units except for starter units have more health! If you find combat too challenging, you can decrease the player difficulty scalar in the settings menu.

Feel free to join the discord to talk with the developer and other players if you want to make a suggestion, report a bug, ask a question, or just chat!

Windows 64-bitEnglish Conquest Depot Depot 1795751
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