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General Practitioner update for 22 December 2021

General Practitioner 2.1 - Ultra HD remaster

Share · View all patches · Build 7926831 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

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Greetings fellow doctors!

To celebrate Winter Sales I am glad to announce you that GP has been updated with patch 2.1, which is a full, free, remaster of the game in Ultra HD definition.

When I first started to develop this game in 2017 I was using my home computer, which was not a professional device by any means. That meant I had to choose a resolution which would not have hindered my chances to render dozens of images each month, update after update.

The game was not aging that well, though, since HD-Ready resolution was starting to get a little strange to look at. That's why I decided to remaster the game at a higher, Ultra HD definition (2k).

Of course the game will automatically adapt itself to lower resolutions if your screen doesn't support it.

The images of the game were not re-rendered, of course, as it would've meant redoing the whole game from scratch. However, all have been upscaled using AI technologies which filled the pixel gap in the images.

Some of them benefit more than others, especially the older renders, but I believe the overall visual quality of the game improved a lot. A couple images have been rendered from scratch, and I plan to re-render more of them as you report any issue.

There are more than 6000 images in General Practitioner and although I made sure all of them were upscaled (did I mentioned that the sex videos have been upscaled as well? :D), some of them might have slipped my checks. I apologize in advance, please let me know about that issue if you meet any.

The work also made me redefine the size and coordinates for each interactable item on the examinations screens, menus, and examination reports. That also means that some number might have slipped as well, so please report them as well. Please do remember I'm working on the game alone, and every test I do I make on my own.

Wishing you a merry christmas, now it's the perfect time to buy General Practitioner with the Winter Sales discount! And in Ultra HD!

General Practitioner Content Depot 936961
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