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Space Docker VR update for 22 December 2021

HOTAS Beta Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7925813 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We want to make the best possible VR space-sim experience, and for that, we need physical controller support.

We've added beta HOTAS Support!

WIP State of HOTAS / Physical Controllers:

What does work:

  • Rebind any current input that virtual cockpit users have to a HOTAS / Physical controller device.
  • Bind "bonus action" just for HOTAS users currently.
  • Missions+Game are completely playable in HOTAS + motion controllers.

What doesn't work yet:

  • For the moment, there's no menu control, so you'll still have to use your hands for that. But once in a mission, there should be no need for hands again.
  • Currently, the binding is done via an overlay on the desktop view - so no in-VR menu.
    We believe this is a good compromise, as it's a familiar interface, and mouse input should work better for this sort-of "busy" UI compared to a VR pointer.
  • No default layouts - Dockers will have to bind to their preferences from a blank slate. Fortunately, there aren't many binds in-total

And we've made a video that goes over the basics of rebinding, some tips of what to look out for when doing this, as well as some bonus footage showing off the gameplay:

If you have any game-breaking issues with the build, you can opt into the "previous_patch" branch on the Steam betas tab.

Stay tuned on Discord our for more updates, including an upcoming roadmap for future updates!

Windows 64-bit Space Docker VR Content Depot 1728831
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