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MAJOR Axe Cop update for 24 December 2021

Axe Cop - The Mega Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7924822 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:56:26 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the game it's time to formally announce all of the new content we made throughout the year! And man there is a lot! And so much to celebrate with this game!

First up is Liborg, Gray Diamond's best friend and a really fun rage character.

Completing the Dr. Yahoo side quest yields a new boss fight against the evil doctor and if you completed enough of the Fighting Zoo cups, an unlockable character with Liborg.

Liborg doesn't have any moves but is more of a charge character. You can even access super computers throughout the game to power up his unique stat boosting abilities. He can jump the furthest in the game which makes him really fun for exploring old areas too!

There are some new battles and challenges to explore as well, including a new Boss Rush cup at the Fighting Zoo as well as a super boss in the form of the Sea Ghost. One fan specifically wanted the toughest fight we could muster and this is as hard and balanced as we could get! He's a thrilling and super challenging boss battle. A unique part of the Fighting Zoo cup is you might find bosses like Dr. Doo Doo who weren't normal boss battles before who are fightable here. The pairings are also different with the bad guys! In the screenshot shown, the normal paired bad guy with Dr. Stinkyhead is the Vampire Man Baby Kid after all!

There have also been some updates to old content to improve the experience! The Stinkyhead Lab now has a minimap system to help navigate, and the Land of Volcanoes had a much needed palette adjustment to make it stand out better.

The man, the myth, the legend, Soda Piggy and myself sat down to discuss what it was like to actually make this game, the ambitions we had going into it and everything. If you were a fan of this game, this retrospective could be right up your alley.

In general this game has been a complete and total dream to make. I was able to take a property that I adored, had a really wonderful working relationship with one of it's creators, made the game with my best friends and after a year has passed I am still just as proud of it as I was the day it released. Axe Cop is the best thing I've ever made and I'm so honored for every person who takes a chance with it. Truly from the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you for playing our game.

English Axe Cop Content Depot 1193301
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