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KUR update for 22 December 2021

Dev Log: Patch Number #11 - Tis' the Season!

Share · View all patches · Build 7924587 · Last edited 22 December 2021 – 04:09:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

It's a KURSDAY Christmas!

We're hard at work before we take some time off for the holidays! We'll be back in the new year but for now we just wanted you all to know that Patch #11 is dropping this Thursday at it's regular time with some save system fixes, added gibs, and better effects for our shrink ray!

Gather round the KURSMAS tree with your friends and family, it's time to distribute some mirth!

"The 12 days of KURSMAS" Original Lyrics (totally not ripped off from anywhere)

_On the first day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
A boot for my big feet

On the second day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the third day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the fourth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the fifth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the sixth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the seventh day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Seven shrink rays shrinking
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the eighth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Eight robots shooting
Seven shrink rays shrinking
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the ninth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Nine scientists moaning
Eight robots shooting
Seven shrink rays shrinking
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the tenth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Ten barrels exploding
Nine scientists moaning
Eight robots shooting
Seven shrink rays shrinking
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the eleventh day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Eleven old gods chanting
Ten barrels exploding
Nine scientists moaning
Eight robots shooting
Seven shrink rays shrinking
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet

On the twelfth day of KURSMAS
My true love sent to me
Twelve mercs a-kicking
Eleven old gods chanting
Ten barrels exploding
Nine scientists moaning
Eight robots shooting
Seven shrink rays shrinking
Six sick headshots
Five mutant rats (five mutant rats)
Four Bouncing Betty's
Three spider legs
Two rotting skulls
And a boot for my big feet_

We're going to party hard in our Discord all next week - so swing by!

Changed depots in developer branch

View more data in app history for build 7924587
Windows KUR Content Depot 1243521
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