Most likely the last update of the year, Happy Holidays and everybody try not to go broke this go 'round!
- There are now four unique food items in the game. They are all plastic and inedible. Simply hold onto them in your pack (i.e. like a charm in Diablo 2) you will gain some pretty great effects. The tradeoff is less inventory space so it'll help introduce some more strategy to boot. You can rarely win them as rewards for clearing an area, as drops off certain enemies, or even possibly find them in crates. In the rare chance you happen to get more than one of the same type the effects do not stack, so feel free to scrap it for some extra cash.
- New icicles in the prison area. They're there for.. ambiance, I suppose!
- Prison cells can have hay piles in them, they can be searched and occasionally reward a small amount of money. I'll probably do more with these later down the road.
- Added "oh noes!" faces to the 'delete old game?' screen
- Added another 12 slots / 1 row to the item log screen for future expansion. Oooooo!
- Four potions have been reworked so that they're easier to make: Blue, Orange, Purple, & Crimson. Ingredients were either taken away or changed to something more commonly found (or found earlier in the game). This should be a big help for you aspiring brewers out there. The potion brewing lists have been updated with this new information.
- Item change: The XGA Shield will now damage enemies upon block. This damage does not take the attacker's defense into account, so this is a great way to damage very high DEF enemies like Wisps. Upgrading the shield increases the damage dealt.
- XGA Shield's combat action was changed from Bash to Block (which also helps with the above mechanic)
- Studded Leather+3 now gains an extra point of Block (+2% at max, was +1% flat throughout)
- Hero Costume got a big buff- Increased Critical damage of +75% / +25% per upgrade (was +40% / +15% per upgrade prior)
- The Pulverizer 2-handed unique club now has a base crit chance of 5% (was 2%)
- None tthis time. SUCH PERFECTION
And that's all for this time, have a good one!
-Dave / Del_Duio
Changed files in this update