*v9.8.5 Beta
- (Multiplayer, wip) Set up multiplayer
- (Gamepad) Fixed occurence of second cursor on start up
- (Quests) Fixed null reference when completing quests
- (Plants) Fixed onion providing tomato seeds
- (Plants) Fixed pots and some seeds colliders
- (Character) Increased walk speed
- (Character, Creation) Fixed reset button
- (Character, Death) Fixed breath being set to 50% on resurrection
- (Spells) Fixed null reference when casting some spells
- (Spells) Fixed spells colliding with quest interaction zones
- (Spells) Some spells now cause repeated damage (in addition to debuffs)
- (Spells) Adjusted reagents
- (Spells) Fixed null reference when dragging skill from skillbar to inventory
- (Spells) Fixed self buff skill effect not appearing after loading a save game
- (Combat) Fixed bug that stopped player from being able to attack after switching weapons
- (Combat) Changed how damageTypes are handled, added more damage types/resistances
- (Combat) Changed how debuffs are handled
- (Combat) Removed ability to attack while sheathing/unsheathing
- (Combat) buffs and debuffs are shown on healthbar for other players/monsters
- (Combat) Better hit detection
- (Combat) Added more animations
- (Items, Combat) Added 2 handed Axes
- (Items, Combat) Added 2 handed Swords
- (Items, Combat) Added 2 handed Hammers
- (Items, Dragging) Dragging item from inventory/equipment creates world item preview
- (Items, Dragging) When dragging items into world, scroll to adjust rotation
- (Items, Dragging) Dragging item onto bag in inventory, will place item into bag
- (Items) Rename items with max stack of 1 by right clicking
- (Items) Get vials of blood or acid by filling them near corpses
- (Items) Changed some recipes
- (Items) Added Amethyst gems
- (Items) Added item weight
- (Items) Durability fixed
- (Items) Added durability icon colors
- (Items) Fixed runes, so they can be used on ground again
- (Items) Fixed pants drop object, being old model
- (Items) Storages work differently now, drag and drop to ground to place
- (Storage) Added containers that can hold items in inventory
- (Storage) Containers tooltips show weight of all contents
- (Storage) Containers are unified with storages, so can drop any container to ground and access like storage
- (Storage) Spells can pull reagents from containers
- (Storage) Buying items from npcs can pull gold from containers
- (Storage) Can cast spells on items in containers, same as inventory
- (Storage) Can use items while in containers, same as inventory
- (Crafting, Storage) Can use craft ingredients from inside containers, or that are close by
- (Crafting) Added selection arrows for crafting, to weave through multiple version of the same thing (ex. chairs)
- (Building) All building props are removed and now dragged into home from inventory instead of using building system
- (Tooltip) Can drag around tooltip
- (Tooltip) Fixed tooltips on skillbar
- (Map) Added coordinates
- (Monsters) Monsters cannot walk into water anymore
- (Destruction) Rewrote the destruction system
- (Destruction) Debris can no longer push player through ground
- (Audio) Fixed sort button sounds for inventory
- (Mounts) Fixed loading a pet item that was summoned when saved
*v9.8.6 Beta
- (Inventory) Fixed shift+click bugs
*v9.8.7 Beta
- (Weight) Weight in Inventory ui now shows equipment weight aswell
- (Weight) Moved weight UI display for readability
- (Weight) Player can no longer run when over max carryable weight
- (Weight) Max carryable weight increases with strength
- (Equipment) Fixed some armors not showing in paperdoll
*v9.8.8 Beta
- (UI) All panel positions now save
- (UI) Can lock panels so they cant be moved
- (Crafting, Containers) Fixed bug that would require
opening nearby containers after loading into game, before being able to craft from them - (Merry christmas! 2021) Added santa hat
Changed depots in multiplayer branch