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Astatos update for 22 December 2021

Astatos 0.1.1 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7923816 · Last edited 22 December 2021 – 01:09:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

To the Crown Mages,

Since last week we've been pushing out several updates as we continue to work on bug fixes and improvements to the game. Over this time we've resolved a significant amount of bugs related to the menus, story mode, progression, and overall game functionality. We can't thank our players enough for discussing these issues and helping us discover the causes.

As a part of this update progression, has been fixed as Monera should be given to players upon levelling up. To repay the lost rewards to players who didn't receive their level up rewards during this time, as well as thank everyone for playing the game while we get things in order, we will be increasing the Daily Reward to 250 Monera for the next 14 days.

Additionally, several issues relating to the game when played in Traditional and Simplified Chinese have been resolved. While some issues still persist, we hope our players in these languages will find the game much better than launch day.

From here on out, we'll be working on improving the stability of multiplayer. We hear you loud and clear about requested balance fixes, and we'll be looking out for small tweaks we can make — but our priority right now is to ensure a smooth gameplay experience.

Thank you all for playing, and we hope to make the game even better from here on out.

  • From the team at Studio Klondike


Game Fixes
  • The Hero summon animation upon signing up now displays the correct artwork.
  • When redeeming Hero Pack I and Hero Pack II as a part of the Game Pass, they will now correctly unlock immediately instead of requiring the game to be restarted.
  • Players now receive EXP correctly upon the completion of Conquest Trials. This means EXP will scale as intended like Monera and Reward Points do.
  • Players now receive Monera upon levelling up. Due to Monera not being awarded to players during this time, the Daily Reward has been increased to 250 Monera for the next 14 days.
  • The Level menu would previously not display the correct text on the progress bar, and would also not display the EXP values to reach the next level.
  • Fixed an issue where Conquest and Takeover titles would be counted for the opposite game move.
  • Fixed an issue where the player icon menu would load the incorrect icons if you were using the Mukaki UI skin.
Hero Fixes
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Card distribution menu from working during Conquest Trials. This also means that Alkaios should now work as intended in Conquest Trials.
  • Fixed an issue where the correct popup text would not display if Alkaios has no opposing players to target in the Trial.
  • Kyros now shows your opponent's hand as intended in Conquest and Takeover Trials.
  • Improvements to the UI for the Trial Stage to prevent locking up when more than 5 Trial Cards are displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where Zermes would break under some circumstances.
Game Improvements
  • The Victory Screen will now display when you have reached your Monera and Reward Points caps for the day.
  • The Story Mode chapter menu will now show a "NEW!" tag when a chapter has uncompleted sub-chapters.
  • The Story Mode chapter menu will now show you when you can unlock new Topics in the Interlude.
  • The Story Mode chapter menu will now automatically open to the last chapter you saved a bookmark in or completed.
  • Added a notice to the Shop button on the Main Menu when you have yet to bind your account, or unlock Hero Pack I and Hero Pack II as a part of your Game Pass.
Story Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where pauses in story scripting could last 10x longer than intended depending on the locale setting of your computer.
  • Fixed various typos in Story Mode.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a save slot would delete all save slots instead of just the one you selected.
  • Fixed a check in the sub-chapter "Mage Corps" which would lead to an incorrect scene.
  • Fixed a check in the sub-chapter "Salaraius Magicus" which would lead to an incorrect scene.
  • Fixed a check in the sub-chapter "To Ashes" which would lead to an incorrect scene.
  • Fixed an incorrect sprite in the sub-chapter "The Devil's Son".
  • Fixed an incorrect sprite in the sub-chapter "Spicae".
  • Fixed visible pixels in the transparent areas across Volesus' and Zermes' sprite sets.
  • The logic behind loading of sprites in Story Mode is now threaded, meaning sprite animations can no longer interfere with sprites appearing and disappearing.
Traditional & Simplified Chinese Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the English font would always be loaded on boot— leading all text to be displayed in squares until the language was changed in the settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rematch and Leave buttons were not translated.
  • Fixed an issue where the Store would always display in English.
  • Fixed an issue when the chapter "City of Peace" was not accessible.
  • Some decisions would not display all options correctly in Story Mode.
  • The Hero Card description of Caelius has been corrected.
  • The Hero Card description of Zermes has been corrected.
  • The Hero Card description of Makari-Hari has been corrected.
  • Herclaus now displays the correct amount of Energy taken in Conquest and Takeover Trials.
  • Updated the Chinese font files to cover more missing text in Story Mode. (Please report screenshots of any remaining missing text in our Discord.)
  • A decision in "Journey to Irinipolis - Part II" would display the opposite text to the decision you made.
  • Fixed an issue where miss-matched English characters were used in the Chinese font.
Windows 64-bit Astatos Windows Depot 1430971
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Astatos macOS Depot 1430972
  • Loading history…
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