-Added initial access to manual battle features.
--A test scenario for manual battles can be accessed from the title screen.
--Currently, there is no proper UI for designating characters, spawning soldiers, etc.
--these functions are bound to keys instead.
---The following lords are available for playing and spawning:
----Karavi Champion (M/F)
----Vinsarr Knight (M/F)
----Karavi Archmaster (M/F)
---The following soldiers are available for spawning:
----Karavi Levy
----Nylleh Mage
----Vinsarr Bodyguard
----Karavi Patriot
----Karavi Bastion
----Karavi Lionsguard
----Karavi Wench
----Nylleh Shackled
----Karavi Heirsguard
-Main controls are as thus:
--Movement: WASD or Arrow keys
--Jump: Numpad 0
--Change Camera Mode: "C" Key
--Zoom/Pan Camera: "right Ctrl" Key
--Teleport to Location (DEBUG!): "P" Key
--Change Lord: Keys 1-6 (not numpad)
--Load Vinsarr Knight Data to Character (DEBUG!): "/" Key
--Spawn Lords: R, G, T, H, Y, J Keys
--Spawn Soldiers: E, F, K, L, Z, X, V, B, N, M, :, ", Ins, Home, PgUp, PgDn Keys
---(Might have missed a few, there. Have fun!)
--Primary Action: Left Click
--Secondary Action: Right Click
--Recenter Overhead Camera: Middle Click
--Toggle Automatic Allied Recuperation: - Key
--Down Self (DEBUG!) - I Key
--Recuperate Self (DEBUG!) - O Key
The AI may be a little buggy. I was testing a more advanced system before present circumstances hampered development time. I hope you enjoy, nevertheless, and I'll see you with the next update!
Changed files in this update