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MapleStory update for 21 December 2021

Notice Regarding Limitations on Certain Item Functionalities in New Areas

Share · View all patches · Build 7922424 · Last edited 21 December 2021 – 19:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Attention Maplers,

We’d like to share with you regarding our plans to limit certain items’ functionality usage in future Lv. 300 and above areas. In new Lv. 300 and above areas, a limitation will be placed on using item functionalities that affect the overall game balance. This change was decided after thorough and careful consideration, so that the current gameplay of players who own these items would not be largely affected while still taking into account the health of the future game environment and new player experiences. There currently are no plans ready to share regarding the implementation date of Lv. 300 and above areas. However, we wanted to give our players advanced notice so that you’ll have enough time to take note of these future changes before they take effect. We hope you understand.

The following items will be affected by this change in the new Lv. 300 and above areas:

*** Breath of Divinity

  • Lucid’s Earring
  • Reaper's Pendant
  • The Ring of Torment
  • Firestarter Ring
  • Battle-Roid (M)/(F)
  • Frenzy Totem
  • Wild Totem**

You may be curious about how Kanna’s ‘Kishin Shoukan’ skill will behave in the new Lv. 300 and above area, as the skill provides similar features to some of the items listed above. Our teams have been reviewing the ‘Kishin Shoukan’ skill in detail and since this skill has a unique effect on the overall balance of the game, we plan on reducing its effectiveness next year. We will share the finalized, detailed plans with you as soon as we have them available.

We plan to execute the following changes to avoid any potential confusion going forward:

  • Add a notice regarding the item usage limitation on the description tooltip of the items listed above during our v.230 patch update maintenance.
  • New areas implemented with Lv. 300 and above condition will retain the item usage limitation even if their level condition gets adjusted to below Lv. 300 sometime in the future.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of MapleStory.

  • The MapleStory Team
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