Howdy Folks!
Just in time for Christmas is Patch update 31.2. This is another small update with some tweaks, changes and fixes. Let’s see what we’ve got.
Global Inventory
There are further tweaks and changes to the global inventory display including a new header, category quantities and category sorting. Additional items and categories with zero quantity will now show grayed out. Item categories will no longer show if there are zero items and show zero quantities is disabled.
Item Containers
Item containers have had a face lift. Instead of a single container graphic to represent items on the ground, there are now separate container visuals per item category. These new item category containers are also used for their respective icon in the global inventory list.
Colonists will now carry a category container based on the category with the highest amount of items for that category in their inventory. Item containers are now more visually interesting as well as provide better visual feedback.
UI Tweaks
Pinned items and colonists count on the HUD now have a cleaner appearance. Planet map display modes have been removed from the left section tab and are now shown as toggle buttons above the mini-map.
As the year comes to a close I just want to let you all know how incredibly grateful I am for all of you. Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday and an awesome new year!
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Release Notes
- Items on the ground will now show a container for each item type.
- Items on ground containers now have a new look per item type
- Colonists carrying items will show a container visual based on the highest amount of items of a given item type
- Removed planet map display modes section in left panel
- Planet map display modes now available as toggles above mini-map
- Updated look of pinned items
- Updated look of colonist counts on HUD
Global Inventory List
- Added header background and text to global inventory
- Item category headers now show group quantity
- Item categories now hidden if show zero quantity is disabled and the number of items in the group is zero
- Item categories now sorted by count or name depending on selected mode
- Items and category headers with zero quantity now show grayed out
- Tweak to spacing/formatting
- Fixed: Pinned items not showing tooltip info
- Fixed: Allowed fuel items in solid fuel generator not updating when clicking the fuel items header toggle
- Fixed: Select ingredient window doesn’t close when deselecting station
- Fixed: Collider issue that caused selection collider to be offset for some objects
Changed files in this update