Fixes and Changes:
Replaced end of match scoreboard with new one
Highlighted local player on scoreboard
Added score sorting to scoreboard
Changed scoreboard formatting
Added headers to scoreboard
Added combat text as helper hints for certain events
Announcements stay longer when reasonable
HUD text fades after a duration insuring it never gets stuck
Verbiage in notifications and popup text is simplified and more consistent
Defuse now switches team roles but not colors (you will always be on the same team, but your team will switch from attackers to defenders)
Rounds for defuse are properly set and displayed on scoreboard
Armor now works
CTF no longer allows flags to be captured while your flag is missing
CTF flag now resets instantly if touched after dropped
Deathmatch level was added back in the game
Players are always assigned a spectator after death in all modes
Added more safety catches to destroy sessions on edge cases to stop dead lobbies from filling up the server browser
Server settings are saved but the map list is cleared on startup
Changed files in this update