Fellow Dwarves! Our messengers are giving us more precise information about battle engagements, and we've made a few new discoveries in the caverns!
Patch Notes
- Battle Notifications - Now show you which enemy is engaging you, right on the notification! So you can now decide whether or not it's worth your time depending on what you see.
- AI Improvements - AI deciding when units should engage in battle is an ever-improving formula. In this patch units will now still engage even if they intend to rest, provided their HP is high enough. We have also refined how the pathfinder interacts around battles, allowing units to walk around obstacles, walls or other battling units to reach their target.
- Caverns Mode v0.57 - New start type: Lone Dwarf. In Lone Dwarf you start as a single dwarf spawning from a lone spring. This dwarf has a Multi-Tool which is a special equipment that allows the wielder to switch classes at will, without needing a toolrack. The first portion of Lone Dwarf is more challenging than other start-types. The reputation objectives have also been refined, as well as the introduction of some new objects (described below) & various fixes.
- Vases - Introduced a new type of treasure container with 3 variants, Clay, Iron and Bronze. Currently only featured in the latest version of caverns mode. Similar to barrels, vases can be broken into, but have different loot-tables. The bronze variant provides the best rewards.
- Moss - Currently mostly an aesthetic object that grows and spreads of its own accord, but generates moisture similar to stalagmites and water, increasing the rate of mushroom and root-sapling growth. Moss may be harvestable in a future update.
- New Icons & Textures - New icons for Eat, Rest & Drop Items. Updated textures for gems, coal, iron ore & gold ore, to stand out a little more in the environment and make them easier to spot.
- Farming Plots - Fixed bug where Farming Plots may have stopped working if green mushrooms existed in their vicinity. Note that farming plots will not place gather instructions on green mushrooms, due to their dangerous nature.
- Kilns - Altered the design a little to make them more intuitive to use, and will now auto-generate a pickup instruction to pick up the coal left behind.
- Tutorials - Dialog and hint improvements for the first, second and fifth tutorial levels.
- Save & Load Fixes - Includes a fix for a rare situation where a user-save and autosave occurs at the same time. Also fixes a few objects that were losing some minor data on a load.
We're taking a break for the holidays, but we'll be back in action in January! Hope you all have a pleasant break, don't forget to treat yourselves and stay wrapped up warm if you're in a cold climate!
Until our next update, have a Merry Christmas!
Changed files in this update