The Winter event has arrived!
- Collect snowflakes from monsters that are in your level range and trade the snowflakes in for all sorts of items (pets, hats and many other things) from Jolly Ol' Graybeard in the bank.
- Krampus and Unholy Krampus maps are available from Jolly Ol' Graybeard. Try your hand at the hardest enemy in the game (Unholy Krampus)
Happy Holidays everyone!
Thank you so much for the support everyone has given me in the last year. It is greatly appreciated!
- The Harvest and Halloween events have ended
- I have added the ability to drop and item out of your inventory and onto the ground. There is a new area in the inventory to perform this action. This is helpful for the upcoming co-op.
- I have added a new currency call Emblems
- Emblems are dropped from Pocket Dimension bosses
- Gold Find will increase the number of Emblems you get
- There is an Emblem vendor (Phoenix), located near the Badlands portal. Hafermann maps and twine are available.
- Melee weapons now have colored blur/swoosh trails based on element the weapon uses
- Melee concussive bolts are also now colored based on the element
- Pumpkins and Snowflakes are now separate data and are displayed in the stats window in the inventory
- Slime rooms can now appear in maps
- I have slightly changed the Blind effect to fix a bug with co-op
Note: Co-op is getting very close. I hope to have the test build this week.
Changed files in this update