Hello everyone!
The big moment we've all been waiting for is finally here! v1.4.0 has been released and with it come a lot of changes!
Bugs fixed
Tilemap tearing/green lines
- Tilemap was showing some tearing/green lines in certain areas
Player is moving while saving game
Shop popup not showing Xbox One button
FightScene Background
- FightScene Background's back layer was not aligning properly with the rest
Features implemented
New Achievements
- Added new achievements to make the game more interesting
Stat Training
- Added Stat Training option to raise the each party member's base stats(different from the stats that are shown in the character summary)
Character Balancing
- Balanced characters in general and the experience points gained per fight
Upgraded fighting UI
- Upgraded the Fighting UI to look more like an RPG one and to use the game's theme
Dodge and Critical Hit Mechanic
- Added a Dodge and Critical Hit Mechanic that scales with Speed and Luck respectively
Post fight victory screen
- Added a post fight victory screen to show teach character leveling up, amount of experience points and coins earned in the battle and also any drops that the enemy might've dropped
Message Text Alignment
- Aligned the message text to Top Left to allow better reading of dialogue
Remake story chapter 1
- Remade story chapter 1 to allow more player exploration and to make the plot longer
Map Function
- Added a minimap to the Top Left corner of the screen to indicate important points of the current location and also the location name
Status Effects
- Added Status Effects for Stunned, Burned, Poisoned
Suggestions implemented
Tell player to go to places
- Tell player to go to places instead of just teleporting there, allowing for more breaks in the story and more exploration
More skills at the start
- Added more skills to the characters at the start instead of being just punch
Italic for narration
- Make narration text in italic instead of just normal to make it clear that it isn't a character talking
Indicate buying/selling
- Indicate buying/selling by showing text on the screen
Make doors to outside clearer
- Make doors to outside clearer instead of just being a tiny opening in the wall tiles
All sprites the same size
- Make all sprites the same size
Note: The game might still have a few bugs, to report any bugs please send an email to nunodiogo@omegaleo.pt or open a new thread in the community forum with all the information required to replicate the bug so I can fix it as soon as possible.
That is all.
Thank you all for your support of the game and I'll see you next time.
Changed files in this update