Happy Monday Wardens! Have you gotten enough rest from the weekend to get ready for this week? Here's the patch notes for today's v.1.0.1h update!
- The effects of Deny Internal Ejaculation and Deny External Ejaculation now stay... denied until Karryn changes her mind, she runs out of Willpower to maintain them, or her level gets reset in New Game Plus. Meaning it no longer gets reset at the start of every battle.
- Fixed the 'Newbie' Title's equip effect description to correctly display Talk Resist -5% instead of Talk Resist -10%.
- Fixed Karryn's footstep sound effect being muted when it isn't supposed to be muted.
- Fixed the '[Misc] Latex Stockings' Accessory's effect being bugged for the Sex Resist.
- Fixed the 'Expand Bar Glassware' series of Edicts' effect description being incorrect in the Japanese version.
- Fixed the 'Bulk Food Supplier' Edict's description to correctly display Order +25 instead of Order +20.
- Fixed the 'Expand Inmate Menu' Edict's description to correctly display Order +10 instead of Order +25.
- Fixed an issue with one of the Japanese voice files when Karryn uses her 'Vaginal Sex' Skill to initiate sex.
- Fixed a word wrapping issue with the 'Gokkun Orgasm Junkie' Passive in the English version.
- Fixed a word wrapping issue with the 'Nude Pervert Loitering Around the Fort' Passive in the English version.
- Fixed a minor bug with returning to the Level 2 Hallway from the Outside area south of the Store.
- Correct minor typos.
- Fixed the 'Leg Thrust Training: Technique' and 'Head Strike Training: Technique' Edicts' effects being swapped.
- Fixed an audio bug caused by v.1.0.1h.
- Corrected minor typos in the Japanese version.
Changed files in this update