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Legend Bowl update for 20 December 2021

Alternate Jerseys Release

Share · View all patches · Build 7915131 · Last edited 20 December 2021 – 19:32:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Legend Bowlers!

This update came from one of our Discord users who suggested making alternate jerseys for teams. We always wanted this in the game, but the work was always too much to prioritize because it touches hundreds of files across the game's code.

Well fast forward and somehow we said let's do it and put our heads down and grinded through the task. This may not seem like a monumental task, but the game's core was never meant to handle more than 2 uniforms types. Not only that, but the Team Editor screen also needed updating to accommodate this new uniform type.

Lastly, converting current user data in the form of custom rosters, season and tournament files needed to be done in order to preserve people's hard work. When you first download this update any custom rosters will be loaded with these new alternate uniforms by copying your away uniform to your newly slotted alternate uniform. From there, you can customize this new slot to your liking!

The default teams now have brand new alternate uniforms as part of this update as well. So get ready to see every team in a whole new light! There are more updates and fixes in this patch if you want to keep readying below, but we are super excited about this new uniform update and can't wait to see what our community can create!

Again, please continue to report any bugs on our Discord channel if you want to help! Thank you for your support, and for playing Legend Bowl!!

📢 Thank you to everyone for reporting issues and bugs from this last update!

Update Details

  • New alternate uniforms now provide you with a 3rd option for storing team jersey colors.
  • Removed team selection arrows from Season and Tournament games as teams are locked by default.
  • Now you can cycle through all jerseys on the previously released Team Photo screen.
  • Fixed issue where player numbers would disappear from list of numbers when editing your player.
  • Defender push animation speeds increased based on AGILITY attributes.
  • Team jerseys no longer change on Team Select screen automatically during Season or Tournament games when switching your side due to new alternate uniform feature.
  • Team photo player jersey number colors now change depending on other colors so they don't get washed out with similar colors.
  • Fixed issue where field goals would count when ball was slightly outside of posts.
  • Added 2 point conversion and safety stats to export file.
  • Fixed team colors issue where facemasks weren't showing the full range of color values.
  • Misc bugs & fixes.

If you experience any bugs or issues please report them here or more preferably in our Discord where you can chat with the community, report bugs, or give feedback on the game.

As always, if you've enjoyed the game so far and like what you're seeing out of the game it would be great if you can leave a review on Steam!


Patch Version
Windows Legend Bowl Content Depot 1106341
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