Hello Everyone and happy christmas! Hope you are enjoying your holidays :) because i am! or well besides from working on a new update hehehe.
Since last update (which been a while) i have been working on fixing some present issues that made the game rather unpleasant to play. There are ofc still some things to be changed, but this is it for now :)
Updates include; AI, player combat, graphics, HUD, flags, level design.
--AI will wait and take turns before attacking the player
--AI will try to spread out and circle player if they can
--AI should be less zergy
--AI has larger aggro range than before
-Combat in general:
--Added soft lock targetting for the player when fighting AI, you will automatically face the AI when attacking, instead of aiming freely
--Added combo damage for each attack, 15,30 and 50
--AI will die faster
--AI doesn't attack the player all the time
--Man At Arms
--Added new attack animations
---Added new light attack (left mouse button or right bumper for controller)
---Added new heavy attack (right trigger for controller
--Added new kick animation
---Kick now knocks enemies down, rather than pushing them back
--Animations are now with root motion
-AI healthbar:
--AI healthbar waits with disappearing untill health bar has reached 0
--Changed color for AI healthbar to fit color scheme of game
-Update player HUD
--Added Player icon to HUD
--Added health text to player health bar
-decrease times it takes to capture a flag from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
-Updated graphics so they're brighter and less dull
-Added more colorful postprocessing effects
-Fixed navmesh issues, so Ai has easier pathing to their target
-AI should spread out more when traversing the map, instead of running in a straight line
-Removed kicking from all melee AI
-Removed dodge roll from all AI
Have fun playing and thanks again to everyone who has been playing the game! next patch ill add some new features.
Merry christmas!
Changed files in this update