Hello everyone,
Many technical, mechanical and cosmetic improvements have been made since the game was released.
Improvements were made with the feedback from the community and the items in the developer roadmap.
I've been working on a major and binding version update for about three months.
In this version update, the infrastructure that we will go to the main scenario has been developed.
Cosmetic improvements were made to the opening animation, tutorial scene, quest system, NPCs, swimming, underwater diving mechanics and map design.
In addition to these, minor and major grades were improved.
First of all, to give you all the details of the improvements made in the big update.
Then I would like to explain the minor and major items.
Opening Scene
Improved the animation scene for the beginning of the story.
(Scene will be completed with an after update.)
Tutorial Sequence
In line with the main story, the NPC named Old Man, who found the character we gave life to when we landed on the island and gave him information about the island and introduced the game, was added to the game and the tutorial sequence was developed.
- About lakes (water sources),
- About trees and plants
- About the resources
- Hunger - about thirst,
- About saving the game
gives a lot of information.
New Village
A settlement named “Old Man Village” has been added to the game.
Quest System
Now our game supports Quest and NPC infrastructure.
- Old Man
- Villager Woman
In this village, which is close to the beach in the north of the map, progress can be made in the game by taking tasks from NPCs.
A Quest panel has been developed.
After opening the inventory with the Tab key, the Quest menu can be accessed by pressing the "Quests" button in the upper right section.
- Quests that are active are indicated by a blank red star.
- Completed quests are indicated by a green solid star.
The quests to be done and in proggress the whole scenario can be viewed on this screen.
When a quest is received, quest progress and quest gifts can be viewed on this screen.
There are currently 4 missions in total.
Main quests will be added with future updates.
Currently, the side and starter quests required to go to the main quests are on the quest screen.
New Inventory Interface
A new button group has been added to the upper part of the inventory interface.
With this button group, quick access to the Large Map and Mission menu can be provided.
Diving Mechanics and Underwater World Design
Added 2 coastlines on the map. (Additional cosmetic enhancements will continue for beaches.)
The underwater diving feature has been improved.
The first step was taken for the underwater world's rocks, algae and fish ecosystem.
- General Map Cosmetic Improvements
- Added stones around lakes.
- Sharp peaks and corners have been made softer.
- Trees near the water have been relocated.
(The mechanics of diving and returning to shore will be made more stable in future updates.)
Health Bar
Added a health indicator over enemies and animals.
When an attack is made and a hit is made, the health indicator is visible.
When a creature dies, the health indicator disappears.
Added New Features
General UI
- Inventory interface top menu group has been development. (Inventory, Large Map, Quest Panel) rapid transition between screens was provided.
- Added "Suicide" button in Escape Menu.
- "Exit" button has been added to the map.
- Items no longer disappear after death.
When you go to the place where you died, your belongings are in the box. - Improved the feature that the food and water values decrease faster when the character is running.
- The days were made longer than the nights.
- Bush Tree stick/berry collection amount was shown on the screen.
- The names of the mines, information messages and excavation quantities were shown on the screen.
- The information message of the tree and the cutting amount were shown on the screen.
- Added dust cloud particle effect after resource are broken.
- Added Health Bar on animals.
- Added Health Bar on enemies.
- Night dark level lowered.
Fixes & Changes
- Fixed the bug of eating from hudBar when the map is open.
- Active status animals were removed from the game for a while due to a problem with their combat mechanics.
- When the Escape menu is opened, the information text in the middle of the screen is hidden.
- Adding items to LootCreate has been deactivated.
- After the Save/Load operation, setting the tool/weapon durability value to 100 has been fixed.
- Prevented animals from appearing in the Large Map.
- The minimap has been removed from the game.
Dev Notes
- The build version has been increased.
- Supported languages other than English have been removed for a while.
Changed files in this update