Changelog - “Free Update 1” - 4th of January 022
Version number
Steam / Epic / Paradox Plaza:
Added Demolish and Repair modes to the game.
- These modes allow you to set buildings to be Demolished or Repaired faster.
- With a keyboard and mouse these can be accessed by selecting the button from the bottom left corner and then selecting each building you wish to either Demolish or Repair.
- With a controller these can be accessed by pressing the button that controls the camera and then pressing the respective buttons visible on the screen.
- The modes are exited the same way as you would cancel placing a building.
Gate Combat now gives you rewards if you win the combat.
- Resources will be given both from winning the actual Gate Combat and from winning the combat if the bandits breach the Gate.
Added a new tech to all ideologies to the game that allows you to upgrade your Metal Auto-Extractor to a Magnetic Separator.
- This building is used to produce Rare Metals from underground metal deposits around the colony.
- After upgrading to the Magnetic Separator you can choose from the building’s info panel which resources you want it to produce, Rare Metals and Metal or Metal and Junk.
New difficulty setting has been added to the game.
You can now choose Very Hard settings in the pregame selections.
These selections include:
- More difficult catastrophes that occur more frequently.
- A dryer colony with smaller and fewer deposits around it.
- Limited starting resources and colonists.
- Limited water and energy production values.
The Twitch integration has been worked on and it should now be working without issues.
- Enabling this will allow the viewers in your chat to vote which option they would choose in an event or a quest but you as the player can still make the choice.
- Your viewers can also vote on which catastrophe will be occurring next - you as the player cannot change the outcome of the vote but instead will have to experience the catastrophe chosen by the voters.
Fixed an issue with the notification for the Main Quest storyline that caused it to show misleading information.
- Previously this notification would tell you to go to the Bunker’s construction zone despite the quest being in a state where you should wait until you have gathered more knowledge.
- The notification should now show the current task correctly.
The colonists working as Guards and the Specialists should now prioritize targets for combat better.
- This change should now make them automatically change target during combat if for example there are new targets closer to them or if they are moving towards the target and the target moves.
- The Guards and Specialists will still follow the command given by the player with the highest priority.
Guards and Specialists will now also react to hostiles from a greater distance.
Fishing buildings can no longer be placed too close to each other.
- This change affects the Fishing Pier, Fishing Hut and the Aqua Farm.
- These buildings will now need to be placed further away from each other.
- The area that prevents placement of another fishing building is shown when the building is placed.
Fixed an issue that caused the Epic exclusive flag to not show in the Epic version of the game.
Fixed an issue that would cause the Main Quest to become stuck if a side quest was also active at the same time with certain steps.
- This fix will sadly not repair previous saves with this issue but it will prevent the same issue from occurring again.
Added a button to the building info panel that allows you to duplicate the building.
New hotkeys have been added to the game to be used when a building or a construction zone is selected.
The following buttons have been added with the default hotkeys shown here:
- Pause the building or construction zone - P
- Repair the building - Comma
- Upgrade the building - Period
- Duplicate the building - V
- Destroy the building or cancel the construction zone - Del
Specialists should now start scouting and combat with bandits in a blocked sector with queued movement.
- Previously they would stop at the edge of the sector and they would have to be commanded to do the action again.
The Main quest will no longer advance if the player builds a regular outpost to the desert biome.
- The game now checks that the outpost is an Engineer outpost before allowing the quest to advance.
Colonists will now take resources into the buildings that produce resources instead of dropping them off to the corner of the building.
Fixed an issue that would cause the game saves to be broken in certain situations.
- This issue was caused by a conflict with the building references so this issue would only happen in very specific situations..
The Help Menu will now show the header and the button prompts in the correct language instead of English.
Fixed an issue in the game that caused colonists to remain stuck due to trying to find a new path and failing.
The Transport Outpost no longer shows the status of a convoy if nothing is being transported.
Housing buildings will now show the work areas for buildings that generate heat.
- This should help with placing housing buildings in areas that are already heated.
Colonists should no longer get the “slept on the ground” happiness penalty when they are sleeping in Crowded Tents or Crowded Emergency Shelters.
Changed an attack from the bandits into an attack by rats that occurred in the colony.
- Previously it would be bandits that attacked from the woods behind your colony.
- Now the attackers will be rats instead.
- You should no longer experience any bandit attacks from the woods, only from the gate.
Fixed an issue that caused the Heavy Tarps tech to show the Improved Tenement as a building the tech affects.
- This should have shown the Crowded Tent instead.
Fixed an issue that caused the game to center to the old position of the Campsite or its upgrades if the building was demolished and built again somewhere else.
Fixed an issue that caused the Specialist to slide instead of running to their queued task on the World Map.
The Energy overlay is now shown when the Lightning Rod or Tower is being placed.
Fixed issues with the New Eden and the Bread and Circuses achievements that prevented them from being unlocked normally.
The panel for Bandits on the World Map now shows the correct health for individual bandits and group health.
- The amounts were previously in the wrong positions.
The Survival Skills tech now also affects the Fishing Pier and the Fishing Hut.
The floater on top of animal carcasses should now be positioned on top of the carcass.
Several buildings have been reworked and now look different than before.
- The following buildings have been reworked: Mechanic Shop, Tailor and its upgrade Grand Tailor, General Storage, Forester, Maintenance Depot, Mill, Outhouse and its upgrade Toilet, Recycler and its upgrade Advanced Recycler, Cemetery, Trapper and its upgrade Hunting Cabin.
Icons used to indicate conditions of a colonist have been updated.
Fixed an issue that caused the World Map roads to not be visible.
The colonist info shown in the Statistics has been updated to look visually similar to the colonist info panel shown when a colonist is selected in the colony.
Updated the building thumbnails in the Build Menu to visually match their 3D models.
Adjusted the visual look of the Fertility Overlay.
The Carrot, Soy and Wheat crop textures no longer have white borders around their leaves.
Balance Adjustments
The amount of deposits in the colony have been balanced.
- There are now similar amounts of individual deposits in each difficulty option.
- The difference between difficulties is now more visible in the amount of resources in each deposit.
The amounts of Rubble in Concrete deposits and Debris in Metal deposits have been increased.
The Cookhouse and the Mess Hall now use more resources to create meals but they produce the meals faster.
Soybeans now take more time to grow in the fields.
Decreased the amount of Peanuts harvested from fully grown fields slightly.
The Large Solar Panel now produces more energy.
The Water Well’s work area has been enlarged.
Changed the resources needed to build Happiness buildings.
- More advanced Happiness buildings now also cost more resources but they also produce more happiness to the colony.
The amounts of Prestige points needed to unlock different decorations have also been increased.
All three levels of Weapons are now worth less Silver when being traded.
The size of the Work Area of the Maintenance Depot can now be enlarged even more than before.
The cost of the level 1 tool in the Grand Toolshop now matches the cost in the regular Toolshop.
The rate at which societies now update their offerings has been slowed down.
Societies will also now offer slightly less currency for all resources.
Most food resources are also now worth less Silver when being traded to other societies.
The animal carcasses can now be harvested for less meat.
- This affects all wild animals in the colony.
Changed files in this update