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PAYDAY 2 update for 20 December 2021

PAYDAY 2: Update 216.2 Changelog

Share · View all patches · Build 7914029 · Last edited 20 December 2021 – 15:32:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update 216.2 Changelog

Update size: 12.8 MB

Hello Heisters

As mentioned in the previous hotfix we continued to work on a better fix for the perk deck exploit and are happy to now be releasing a better solution to the issue.

To remove the exploit where you could revive yourself indefinitely with the leech perk deck we added an additional "downed cooldown". However, there could in rare cases cause the player to be forced to wait for double the intended cooldown time. This has now been addressed properly. You can no longer revive yourself an infinite amount of times. The downed cooldown does not stay once you manage to revive another player or replenish your health. The real cooldown of the leech perk deck will also be reduced based on the time passed on the downed cooldown.


  • Fixed a crash related to weapon verification in relation to damage dealt.
  • The cooldown on the leech perk deck from being downed will be removed when you revive another player or replenish your health
  • When you revive another player or replenish your health the cooldown of the leech perk deck is reduced by the time past on the downed cooldown
  • Fixed a clipping art asset on the Xmas version of Bulucs Mansion

Keep those helmets flying.
OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.

Windows Base Depot 218621
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Linux 64-bit Base (Linux) Depot 218632
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