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Cyberfrags '69 update for 20 December 2021

Here's another backlog of patch-notes!

Share · View all patches · Build 7913233 · Last edited 20 December 2021 – 11:26:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Here are the changelogs from the Discord ( ), where I post them in real-time!

New Update:

Wild shit. Just wild shit..

-Adjusted player outlines, you can see the models better now!
-hopefully fixed weapon swap bug
-Rocket jumps... everywhere. All explosives (except grenades) can be rocket-jumped
-You can now rocket jump off walls
-Slide and wall-run can now maintain A LOT of velocity... Like holy shit a lot.



It's less now 🙂

New update!

Bug fixes and gameplay adjustments.

-Slight Icarus nerf: max speed from 40m/s to 35 m/s
-Slight boost to Tri-Hard alternate: Knockback from 30m/s to 40m/s
-Slight adjustment to rocket-jumping boost. It's Slightly more generous, I learned my lesson on adding too much.
-Rocket-jump now damages player for 10% of the explosive damage (further reduced by kinetic-shield)
-Cyber-Nazi Cat now is now more generous with what triggers a pounce attack. Hopefully he won't act like an idiot who doesn't know how to attack now.
-Added 2 second spawn delay to CTF
-Hopefully fixed issue where scoreboard would get stuck on screen if you accidentally open Steam overlay too.

New Update!

Single-player optimizations, Movement improvements, map changes, bug fixes.... a bunch of shit.

-Set up level streaming in levels 1 and 2, which should improve overall performance on those levels. Level 3... is another beast entirely. Stay tuned for that.

-Increased radius of pickup collider.

-There have been multiple crashes, seemingly from using the Railer. After some investigating, the most likely culprit is actually the penetrating bullets. I'm not sure the exact circumstance, so for now I have altered all weapons that had penetrating projectiles. This affects:

  1. The Railer. It will now ricochet once instead of penetrating
  2. Big Fuckin Shotty. Will now Ricochet twice. Also made the projectile more visible. This looks fucking terrifying
  3. The Law: Armor-Piercing mode. No longer penetrating, no other change.
  4. Sniper ADS. No longer penetrating, no other change.

-Map Garbage Chute now actually has a Chute, so it will take a bit more skill to get from red-side to blue.

-Extended red side of Cybernet Citadel to give big AI room to maneuver. They should no longer get stuck.

-Fixed bug where the FOV doesn't reset after swapping weapons while ADS-ed.

-Fixed issue where sometimes players wouldn't slide when they land even when holding down the input.

-Fixed issue where players wouldn't get xp for playing single-player.

ALRIGHT MOVEMENT JUNKIES, we need to talk maximum speed. Clearly, y'all are loving the crazy movement of guns like the Cyber-Deagle and Capt-Hook. So there is a clear desire for movement beyond the 25m/s of slide-hopping. While I'm all for degenerate mechanics, there needs to be some limitation. The difficulty being: finding a happy medium between ludicrous speed and the ability to shoot/be shot. After a lot of personal testing today, I'm putting that at 35m/s. At that speed I could still land shots against AI, and have some semblance of control over my movement. With this in mind, here are the changes:

-Cyber-Deagle will launch you just as rapidly, but will not exceed a horizontal velocity of 35m/s. Same with rocket-jumping (they share much of the same code now)
-Grapple accelerates at the same rate of 75m/s/s, but once again, does not exceed a horizontal velocity of 35m/s.
-Icarus was already capped at 35m/s, so no change.

quick hotfix

Performance fix and...

-Particle effect from shooting missed shots how greatly reduced, so performance hit is reduced.

Quick update!

I have more stuff in the works, but I wanted to get this out ASAP:

-You can now invert mouse-look individually on the X or Y axis in the settings menu.

New Update!

New map and stuff

-Hopefully fixed bug preventing respawn. It's been a while since this one and I had to tango. Let's hope it's the last.
-Slide animation now persists through jumps, so you never have to guess what's going to happen when you land. Slide-fire animations also slightly improved.
-New map! check out "Courtyard" in classic modes! (TDM, FFA, and CTF)


I FUCKED UP A THING, its fixed now.

-Fixed issue where the escape menu would outright hide the respawn message, making it so players couldn't respawn

New update!

Bug fixes and Slide improvements

-Fixed issue where late players couldn't spawn or fell through the map
-Hopefully fixed issue causing players to be tilted after spawning.
-Fixed issue where gun would cover reticle while slide-hopping and falling at great speeds
-Slide now takes slope into account, and can now be used to accelerate to 35 m/s without the need for movement guns. flat ground and upward slopes have no effect on acceleration while sliding. Except for slide-hopping, you can still do that up to 25m/s on flat ground.

Last update for today! Maybe for the weekend. Idk, depends on how masochistic I'm feeling tomorrow, lmao

Weapon balancing, and some small stuff.

-Reactivated the temperature readout on the guns.
-Increased velocity of grenade from 42m/s to 50m/s.

Weapon balance:

With all the new movement speed, bullet velocities and damage-payoff for certain weapons have fallen too far behind, and some just a bit too far ahead. Here are some tweaks that will hopefully address some of those issues:

-Increased damage of Sammy primary. The body shot is now a 1-shot even with boosted shields. Between the muzzle velocity (500m/s) and rate of fire it's already a tricky skill-shot, may as well reward it!
-Increased velocity of Cyber-Deagle bullet from 420m/s to 900m/s.
-M6a9 Carbine gets to keeps its 1200m/s bullet velocity, but the hip-fire accuracy and body-shot damage are slightly reduced.
-Mini-Gat projectile velocity increased from 375m/s to 550 m/s. Also fixed the visuals so you can better see the phat-ass bullets
-Increased velocity of Capt-hook bullet from 420m/s to 600m/s. Damage increased, will now one-shot anything without a boosted shield. Headshot will kill boosted shield.
-Increased size of Nerd-Cannon Primary. Big 'ole bouncy-balls the size of a football. I'll let ya'll argue about what kind of football I mean
-Increased Velocity of Nerd-Cannon missiles from 42.69m/s to 60m/s. They felt too slow when blasting around at 35m/s
-Sharpshot-420 and Singularity can now one-shot headshot someone with boosted shields
-Increased Velocity of Dick Reckard alternate-fire from 100m/s to 200m/s
-Increased Velocity of Peeper bullets from 450m/s to 550m/s
-Sniper alt is hit-scan now. It. Just. Felt. Right.
-Increased range of short-range Blazer from 25m to 35m and increased headshot damage.


More balancing, and some tweaks.

-hopefully fixed issue where player could pick up a "phantom" flag in Death-Relay

Refined slide mechanics:

-Slightly reduced slope acceleration
-fixed issue allowing players to gradually bunny-hop to 35m/s on flat ground

Tri-Hard is clearly too strong, and when I looked at the stats, it seemed kinda obvious why. So here are some changes:

-Missile velocity from 75m/s to 60 m/s
-Damage radius from 5m to 3m
-Max Damage reduced. Will still one-shot anything without a boosted shield, but requires a direct hit otherwise.
-Rate of Fire slightly decreased.

New Update!

Fixes, tweaks, improvements, and a new gun!

-Fixed bug where player could sometimes accelerate up a slope while sliding.
-Fixed muzzle-flashes of Eastwood and Sammy
-Fixed spelling of flechette
-Added a HUD element in team-modes so you can see the team scores without opening the full scoreboard
-Added a "Swap to previous weapon" input (Default mapping: "E"). It does what you think it does.
-New gun! The Shell-Outa-Dodge is a semi-auto shotgun with a Dodge (Dash?) alternate. Dodge boosts player 10m at 100m/s. After, player returns to original speed, but in the new direction. If you slide while dodging or dodge into a wall-run, you maintain up to 35m/s of the dodge.

Quick update.

Bugs n stuff

-fixed incorrect interaction with "switch to last weapon" input and "auto swap pickup".
-fixed issue where player activating shield pickup would not hear the sound
-Gave Big Fucking Shotty and Shell-Outa-Dodge each a unique crosshair, so they can be more intuitively distinguished.

Windows 64-bitEnglish Cyberfrags '69 Content Depot 1674271
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