Hey All! ːsteamhappyː Just a smallish patch before the end of the year.
Its a mix of fixes and tweaks including the following.
Fixed rare insight chamber situation where keystones were placed in toxic water.
Fixed out of bounds exploits in the village
Fixed incorrect icon alignment on room door markers
Fixed various minor UI bugs and text tweaks.
Added option to hide enemy HP bars and damage numbers
When collecting multiple motes due to a rune bonus this is now shown in the on-screen notification
Extra motes collected from bonuses are listed separately in end-of-chamber scoreboards.
Blood motes now heal the player for 2hp per mote if you are already full charged. (avg 20hp for full no dmg chamber clear)
Most of these were suggested or identified by you players out there so thanks so much for getting involved. The game has only been out 2 two months and its been great to see so many people checking it out. There will be more patches and potentially some extra content next year. Have a happy holiday everyone!
Changed files in this update