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Myriavora update for 20 December 2021

Camp Medii + Camp Fecunditatis

Share · View all patches · Build 7912470 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Changes made in revision 8057:

  • Added Camp Medii
  • Added Camp Fecunditatis

[url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url]

Camp Medii has two large traps, each lined with four thermal turrets. The traps are activated alternately every 30 seconds.

If you've caught something big, the turrets come in handy. They are activated manually and shoot with extremely high firepower for 5 seconds. Their use must be carefully considered, however, because they have a fairly long cooldown of 85 seconds. But don't save them for later waves, because all timers and cooldowns reset each wave anyway.

Each of the two traps has only one main turret that can be operated directly, the other three are activated automatically when the main turret fires. Basically, each group acts as one big turret.

[url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url] [url=]![]([/url]

The defenses of Camp Fecunditatis consist of six fetchers grouped in three pairs. Each pair specializes in one type of spider: assault, elite, and regular.

The fetchers are activated by entering. Since they overlap per pair, you can influence the fetch speed, depending on whether you enter only one or both fetchers.

If you've gone too far with the fetchers and are overwhelmed by the flood of spiders, it's not too difficult to escape into the surrounding thicket. The trees slow down the spiders noticeably, so it's often surprisingly easy to shake them off.

Myriavora Content Depot 1537981
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