G'day Scrappers! Thank you all for being so patient with this update and all the support is greatly appreciated! Stay awesome all!
It has almost been 1 Year that Scrapping Simulator became active on Steam and a lot has changed in the game since then, all thanks to an amazing community that have helped the game grow and providing great feedback. I have added some before and after photos to showcase the progress with the game.
Main Menu Before/After:
eWaste Before:
eWaste After:
Outside After (Before was non-existent):
Though there has been multiple tests with a handful of old saves with minimal issues, there is still some potential for your save file to become corrupted due to the large changes that have been made to the core of eWaste objects. I have found the best way to minimize the risk of losing your save data is to Scrap or Sell every eWaste Object you own before updating to v0.28 and do not accept/pickup anymore unless you intend to scrap them, make sure your game is saved with no lingering eWaste Items (Ingots and other items are fine, but not eWaste), you can then update to v0.28 with the lowest risk of any corruption happening.
If your game has already updated to v0.28, you will need to opt into the v0.27.7 build branch on Steam, to do this you [Right Click] on Scrapping Simulator and click 'Properties' and then go to the 'BETAS' tab and choose 'v0.27.7' this will begin download the v0.27.7 version of the game, once finished and corrected the save file, you will then need to opt out of the branch by repeating the above but selecting 'none' instead of 'v0.27.7' under betas, this will then begin updating your game back to v0.28.
WARNING: If you have found that your save file has become corrupt or you are missing data/objects from your save file due to the update, DO NOT attempt to save your game, this will permanently erase everything you had and save corrupted and broken data over the top of what could have been salvageable, if you have already attempted the above Risk Reduction method and you are still having problems loading or are missing data, please create a Bug Report using the 2 methods [Discord] or by sending an Email Form via our [Website], doing this we can either adjust the game to allow your save to load or modify your save file to work with the game, which in theory should keep all your data.
Updates to v0.28
Added Extra LODs to the Small and Big Crystal Oscillators for a small performance improvement.
Added the Wireless Router as a new Deconstruct-able eWaste Object.
Lowered the amount of eWaste that spawns out on the streets and tightened the Range that these will spawn so it is more consistent between play-throughs and lowers the randomness between spawns.
Implemented the Refined Disassembly Mechanic with certain objects such as RAM Sticks, Power Supply Units, HDDs etc, these will now need to be further disassembled to gain the raw materials. After removing these select objects, instead of being scrapped instantly, they are now placed in the new 'Parts Box' located next to your disassembly desk for further disassembly at your convenience.
Implemented different types of RAM, instead of the PC having 0-4x 'RAM Sticks', the Server having 0-8x 32GB 'RAM Sticks' and the Laptop having 2x 'Laptop RAM' Sticks, there is now individualized RAM Profiles. Such as Laptops now having a range of 2GB, 4GB and 8GB Sticks, Servers having 4GB, 8GB, 16GB and 32GB RAM Sticks and the PC having 4GB, 8GB and 16GB all with DDR3 and DDR4 variants.
Low Tier RAM Sticks, for example a 2GB DDR3 will contain a lot less Materials than a 32GB DDR4 RAM Stick, thus creating more variety between different Objects Scrapped. -
Added another Screw prefab, the Tiny Phillips Head Screw which yields 1g of Iron, which will be used in most Small objects such as HDD's and other smaller objects.
Added a Moving Trolley to finally rid the Magic Teleporting eWaste, the Trolley works on a Collider Mechanic, that any Object(s) inside the collider will be locked to the Trolley. This means you will now need to take your trolley with you if you intend on gathering/purchasing more than 1 eWaste Item or if you wish to transport multiple buckets to the Scrap Yard for example. The Trolley also cannot be pushed forward up steps/gutters it will need to be reversed up to simulate a bit of realism.
Along with the Trolley, there was a change that was required in regards to the way 'Street' eWaste (eWaste that has not yet been picked up that has spawned on the streets), now upon looking at these 'Street' eWaste objects it will instantly be changed into the 'Real' eWaste Object rather than teleporting home like it use to.
Updated the tutorial to suit newly implemented features and removed outdated information.
Added an Electric/Power Icon above the Power Box to make the box a little more noticeable, it also shows in colour whether you are using a small amount of power to a large amount of power, GREEN: Meaning Minimal Power Usage, ORANGE: Medium Power Usage, RED: Very High Power Usage.
Renamed the 'Index_Guide' to 'HELP_ME' so it makes a bit more sense as to what this 'App' is about and also updated old and outdated information.
Added Aircrafts that periodically fly over the town to add a touch more of liveliness to the game.
Made the Disassembly Tool Board Smaller and Lower to be more visible while zoomed in.
Added an extra check when picking up any object to see if it qualifies as a 'Small' object such as (Deconstruct able, not Attached) RAM Sticks that make the objects quite a bit closer to the player so it can be viewed more easily.
Adjusted the Minimum Zooming level while disassembling, you can now zoom in further while disassembling to view Inner Components easier.
Reworked the way the Disassembly Desk Registers if an eWaste Item has been dropped on it, improving overall performance.
Changed the required Button Press to enable/disable the UI, you will now need to hold [Left Ctrl] + [F1] to enable/disable the UI, this is to avoid accidentally pressing F1 and wondering why the UI has vanished.
Changed the method for the warning message that pops up if a large amount of objects are active on the scene when Loading, this method no longer includes Ingots/Buckets etc, only eWaste items as these are the Items that are VERY demanding on both your System and the saving and loading system.
Changed files in this update