Hello folks,
today we make good on our promises as we are releasing the third major free update for Dice Legacy which introduces a whole new Weather System as well as two new scenarios for Forging a Realm.
During the past three months, we strived to both listen to feedback and grow the amount of content present in the game. Whether we succeeded or not it's for you to tell us, but darn it we did our best.
This update tries to add more variety to both modes with a Weather System that is meant to balance itself with the other threats present on the ringworld. From Heavy Rains to Droughts, from Strong Winds to a menacing Blood Moon, there's a whole new set of positive and negative situations to deal with.
We also expanded on Forging a Realm, bringing it to a more proper level of maturity with new demand types and two new scenarios that are definitely crazier than usual.
We truly hope that you will enjoy this update. If you do make sure to tell your friends and family about Dice Legacy this holiday season and if you appreciate the game and our efforts, consider leaving a positive review - they help a ton!
Full Changelog
Weather System
One aspect of the game we're trying to improve is providing new challenges for experienced players and increase the variety of games. Today we are introducing a whole new Weather System that brings a whole new layer of challenges to the game. The system can be toggled in the Game Options right before starting a new Scenario and is on by default.
- Added a new Weather System that is present in all game modes. From Rains to Droughts, from Ice Storms to Strong winds, face a whole new set of challenges!
- Occasionally a particular Weather Phenomena might occur. Weather Phenomena is forecasted at the beginning of the season and occurs in the middle portion of a season. Weather Phenomena bring with them various effects that can make the game easier or harder.
- Experience 8 Different Weather Phenomena for the Summer and 8 for the Winter.
Forging a Realm: New Demands
We were happy with the response to the new game mode, but we knew we wanted to expand on it further. Today we're introducing 4 new "rare" demand types to increase the variety of Forging a Realm even further.
- Added some more rare demands for Forging a Realm, with the intent of increasing variety.
- Added a "Construct a specific building" Demand.
- Added a "Research a specific technology" Demand.
- Added a "Research a certain number of technologies" Demand.
- Added a "Control a certain number of Class District Halls" Demand.
Forging a Realm: New Scenarios
One feedback we got from players on the original Scenarios was that some of them were not providing enough of a different experience from the regular Escaping Fate gameplay. Scenarios were a relatively easy way for us to offer more content for the game, however with Forging a Realm we wanted to really push them into a different direction that could really offer a new - perhaps a bit wilder - way of playing the game.
- Bizzarre Demands Scenario - The cost of Buildings and Technologies is randomized at the start of the game. Dice and Resource requirements for each Building, Location Structure and Threat are also randomized. Megarandom! Throw your assumptions out of the window.
- Building a Following Scenario - House is disabled. Receive a random Die when completing a Demand. Gone are the super optimized builds, earn dice by completing demands.
- Revised all of the Encampments requirements in order to make them more viable. Generally speaking now interacting with the various Encampments should provide more interesting opportunities for trade.
- Minor balancing adjustments done to Forging a Realm.
- Demands that are about to expire in Forging a Realm now automatically open the Demands Panel.
- Fixed a bug with unlocking the True Ending.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Changed files in this update