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Nikhil Murthy's Syphilisation update for 19 December 2021

Update - Preserves and Regions

Share · View all patches · Build 7909645 · Last edited 19 December 2021 – 12:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I'm mostly sticking to small changes right now as I just want to make the game more playable before I put in any more major features. However, I moved the region favor system to go through citizens instead of preserves, so now a preserve with three citizens will have thrice the weight of a preserve with one when it comes to calculating control of a region.

Additionally, I put in lot of small fixes. Notably, you should get the self-improvement deck much earlier now. The different tile outlines should all make much more sense. I also added a bunch more tooltips.

Finally, there are lots of little streamlining and playability fixes in now. The game plays out much smoother now and there are lots more of these little things in the pipeline!

I hope you're having fun with the game and please tell me if there is anything in particular that you would like to see.

Windows Nikhil Murthy's Syphilisation Content Depot 1712531
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