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Nature And Life - Drunk On Nectar update for 19 December 2021

Praying Mantis Survival Released!

Share · View all patches · Build 7909302 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Featuring the Praying Mantis, enjoy the best Survival experience ever presented in Nature & Life - Drunk On Nectar, to date!

Survive 7 days of Spring as an adult Mantis amid intense competition from prey and predator rivals, all set in a new "Mantis Survival" map preset producing a lush, beautiful and ever changing world.

Exciting new gameplay features have also been added along with the largest set of bugfixes and improvements added to the entire game this year.

Do not miss this update!

Release Video

"Mantis Survival" - A New Random Map Preset

Demonstrating the full power of the random map generator, "Mantis Survival" is a completely new map preset that looks, feels and plays quite differently from the existing maps.

Featuring the largest map size (play area) yet, this preset produces broad and expansive meadows with plenty of space for your Mantis to fly, explore and have fun!

The highest fauna population of prey and predators across all the map presets is also found here!

New Gameplay Features

Ambush is a new predator skill added just for the Mantis!

Chemical grit accrual is another new feature whereby prey can smell chemical trails from your previous meal. So hunting becomes gradually harder unless you Groom yourself and clear the chemical debris regularly!

Flight Stamina is a new concept whereby the Mantis can recharge its flight ability while walking. For those players that dislike stopping completely for a Stamina recharge, this provides non-stop, seamless motion. Fly for a while, continue walking while your flight ability recharges and fly on again! :)

Comprehensive in-game tutorial for Mantis Survival

Covering the basics, advanced skills and also new gameplay features (see above!), this Praying Mantis update features the most comprehensive in-game tutorial in the game yet.

New players are provided the opportunity to gain complete confidence in controlling the Mantis being plunged into the 7 day survival challenge!

Large number of Improvements, Bugfixes

This update also includes a large collection of bugfixes and improvements that were made over the past several months.

From reworked Lighting to improved locomotion, AI behavior, fixes for player crashing reports to memory and performance improvements, this update brings the game much closer to a stable version for full release.

An imporant bugfix benefiting all flying creatures in the game is Smooth Flight - flight controls no longer jutter / spin around in relation to FPS fluctuations; this provides a significantly better flying experience for players!

Another crucial bugfix relates to video memory optimization, this fixes a large number of related player issues, including freezing, crashes and low performance, all particularly related to long playthroughs.

Praying Mantis - Lifecycles

Lifecycle of the Praying Mantis will indeed be the next update.

While vast majority of the work is already complete, certain unique aspects of the Mantis lifecycle (like the Mantis egg case), early instar gameplay and gender dimorphism depiction, need to be completed.

In the meantime I hope that you enjoy this Survival take on the Praying Mantis :)

Praying Mantis Lifecycles - Also Coming Soon!

Thank you

As always, thank you so much for your interest, patience, love and support!

Nature is forever beautiful, awesome and fun!

With Love,
Venugopalan Sreedharan
(Developer of Nature & Life - Drunk On Nectar)

Windows 64-bit Drunk On Nectar Content Depot 512461
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