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Pogo Rocket update for 18 December 2021

Pogo Rocket 1.2.0b released

Share · View all patches · Build 7908314 · Last edited 18 December 2021 – 23:46:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone, Pogo Rocket 1.2.0b is now out! This update contains a ton of new features, with some major new content including:

Level Editor

Pogo Rocket now has a level editor! This level editor works through Steam Workshop, allowing players to create levels and then upload them for others to enjoy. We will continue refining features and performance but we now have it in a state we are comfortable with.

New Levels & Obstacles

We've introduced three new levels into Pogo Rocket, with two of them being centered around the new goo turret obstacle. This obstacle shoots out goo balls and slows down the player. The other level is a boss fight! This level contains the turret boss, which will shoot out lasers. It has two phases, which the player will need to be able to get past to defeat the level!

Steam Achievements

We've gone ahead and added Steam achievements to Pogo Rocket. Right now, there are 15 achievements for you to collect and discover. Can you get them all?

On top of those three main features, we've added lots of smaller ones as well, including a bloom option, improved tool tips, brand new tracks for the main game and the level editor, and a ton of tweaks and performance improvements. To read through all of these changes and additions, take a look at the changelog below. We hope you all enjoy this update while we get started on the next one.

Update Features and Changes:

Added & Removed:

  • Added 2 new tracks that play in regular levels.

  • Added a bar to the loading screen.

  • Added a level editor button in the main menu.

  • Added a new section in the play menu that shows steam workshop levels.

  • Added a new track for the level editor.

  • Added a new win sound for special levels.

  • Added an auto tiling system for wall turrets.

  • Added an f4 menu, which only shows fps for the purpose of testing game performance without drawing everything in the regular f3 menu.

  • Added an option to enable bloom in game.

  • Added delta timing for menu interfaces, making it so that they will remain fast and responsive if the game ever lags.

  • Added fireworks that appear when winning a special level.

  • Added large wall tiles.

  • Added level editor.

  • Added the goo turret, an obstacle that shoots out goo that slows you down.

  • Added the turret boss.

  • Added two new levels.

  • Added various new splash screen messages.

  • Removed some random files from being included in the installation folder.

  • Removed the v-sync button (caused too many refresh rate issues).


  • Changed and improved the f3 menu.

  • Changed how buttons are selected after switching to a controller from keyboard and mouse.

  • Changed how level thumbnails are loaded in (from file rather from memory).

  • Changed the bounding box of various objects to improve direction marker positioning and physics collisions.

  • Changed the tooltips sequence for level 8.

  • Changed zooming in and out with the controller to be analog.

  • Decreased the amount of damage taken from hitting walls.

  • Improved how turrets function so they work when midair and have a lower performance impact on the game.

  • Increased the amount of linear dampening the pogo rocket has. This makes it harder for players to get stuck floating having to wait for them to magnet towards the closest surface.

  • Increased the speed of various menu fades and transitions making them feel more responsive.

  • Made it so that gears and wrenches collide with forcefield walls.

  • Made it so that level timing starts when you first jump.

  • Made it so that the pogo will move toward all walls when not moving, including slopes and level editor walls.

  • Made level 12 easier.

Fixes & Optimization;

  • Fixed a potential issue where tooltips can be completed multiple times in rapid succession..

  • Fixed a rare crash related to yes or no confirmations.

  • Fixed a ton of issues related to slow performance of objects.

  • Fixed an issue in level 15 where a wall was positioned wrong.

  • Fixed an issue where leaving the options menu in game could stop the player from pressing buttons.

  • Fixed an issue where the health bar, charge bar, and rocket would lag behind when attaching to a wall.

  • Fixed an issue where the saved time for levels were broken, allowing impossible times like 0.03 seconds to be achieved.

  • Fixed an issue where the song queue could play the same song twice in a row.

  • Fixed multiple issues with how the game behaves when a controller is disconnected.

  • Greatly improved performance of the main menu.

  • Made significant improvements to bouncy slime block performance.

  • Modified level 13.

  • Optimized and improved performance of in-game tooltips.

Pogo-Rocket Content Depot 1672231
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